
The Chocolate Invention

  • Nov 15, 1570

    The Aztecs Drink

    The Aztecs Drink
    The Aztecs mixed ground cocoa with various seasonings to make a spicy drink which they called chocolatl.
  • Period: Nov 15, 1570 to

    The Chocolate Invention

  • The Spanish

    The Spanish
    The Spanish began to add cane sugar and flavorings such as vanilla to their sweet cocoa beverages.
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    Joseph Fry's Birth
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  • Joseph Fy married Elizabeth Gurney

    Joseph Fy married Elizabeth Gurney
    Joseph Fry married Elizabeth Gurney and had 6 children.
  • Joseph Fry Invented the Chocolate Bar

    Joseph Fry Invented the Chocolate Bar
    He made it in Switzerland. He did it by mixing melted cocoa butter back into defatted or “Dutched” cocoa powder and sugar to make a paste that could be pressed into a mold.
  • People Bought The Chocolate Bar

    People Bought The Chocolate Bar
    They bought the chocolate bar and it was a big success.
  • The Hershey Bar was Invented

    The Hershey Bar was Invented
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  • M&M's were Invented

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  • Kit Kat's were Invented

    Kit Kat's were Invented
    It was invented by Rowntrees Company.