Cell cycle

The cell cycle

By mwi63
  • G1 - Growth

    G1 - Growth
    The cell is growing and preparing itself to copy its DNA
  • Checkpoint 1

    At the end of G1, the cell checks if its DNA is damaged. if it is not, the cell will enter Intersphase (S-phase).
  • Interphase or S-Phase

    Interphase or S-Phase
    The DNA replicates and centrosomes duplicate
  • Checkpoint 2

    Shortly before the end of Interphase (S-phase), the cell checks if the DNA has been damaged once again. If not, the cell will enter G2.
  • G2 - Growth

    G2 - Growth
    The cell grows further and prepares itself for Mitosis
  • Checkpoint 3

    During G2, the cell will once again cekc if the DNA has been damaged and if it has fully replicated.
  • Checkpoint 4 - Antephase

    This is the most important checkpoint as the cell checks its own health and level of stress, as well as the environment in which it is in. If everyhting is alright, the cell will enter Mitosis.
  • Prophase

    Chromatin condenses to form chromosomes with a centromere. The nuclear membrane disappears. The centrosomes move away from each other to either side of the cell.
  • Metaphase

    The chromosomes move to the equator of the cell. The mitotic spindle attaches to the centromere on each side of the chromosome.
  • Checkpoint 5 - Spindle assembly

    At the end of Metaphase, the cell checks if all spindles have attached properly to the centromeres of the sister chromatids. If they have, the cell will enter Anaphase.
  • Anaphase

    The mitotic spindle pulls one sister chromatid of each chromosome to one end of the cell.
  • Telophase

    The chromosomes start disappearing as the nuclear membrane forms around the DNA. The cells begin to divide at the equator.
  • Cytokinesis

    A cleavage furrow pinches the cell in two. The nuclear membrane has reformed, containing the DNA in the form of chromatin.
  • G0 - Rest or G1 - Growth

    G0 - Rest or G1 - Growth
    In most cases, both cells enter a stage of resting - G0 - and carry out normal life processes. However, a cell can either directly or at a later stage enter G1 again, and the cyle continues.