The book thief picture

The Book Thief

  • Period: to

    The Book Thief

  • Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler
    Hitler announces that he made himself leader and Reich Chancellor. He makes all of the amred forces swear allegiance to him.
  • Nuremburg Laws

    Nuremburg Laws
    These laws are anti-Jewish laws which means that Jews were no longer considered German citizens. They also couldn't marry Aryans or fly the German flag.
  • Olympics

    The olympics on April 1-16 Jesse Owens won his 4th gold medal. Rudy Stiener looked up to him but rubs coal on himself to make him look black like Jesse Owens. Death notices how segregation begins to arise when Rudy's dad gets mad at him and tells him not to act like anyone who ins't one of them.
  • Kristallnacht

    This means the night of broken glass. On this date, 200 Jewish synagogues were destroyed, &,500 Jewish shops were looted, and 30,000 male Jews were sent to consentration camps.
  • Jewish Students

    Jewish Students
    Jews were becoming more segregated in Germany. At this point, they are even expelling Jewish students from German schools.
  • 1st Stolen Book

    1st Stolen Book
    Death says that he say Liesel, the book thief, she steals her 1st book. The name of the book was "The Grave Diggers Handbook" and she stole it because it was all she had left from the last time she saw her family.
  • German support

    German support
    Death says some scrunched numbers. It was late May and 90% of Germans showed support for Adolf Hitler.
  • World War II

    World War II
    This date marks the beginning of World War II. The start of it is when Germany invades Poland.
  • Otto's prank

    Otto's prank
    Otto Sturm is an innocent boy that always bring the priests food every Friday. Liesel and Rudy want some food so they ice the road that Otto rides on to get to the church and plan to take his food.
  • 2nd Stolen Book

    2nd Stolen Book
    Liesel steals her 2nd book and death says she stole it from fire.The name of this one was "The Shoulder Shrug" and she took it from a pile of things meant to be burned by the Germans during the parade for Hitler's birthday.
  • Hitler's Birthday

    Hitler's Birthday
    Adolf Hitler, also know as the Fuhrer, has his birthday on this day and has a parade to celebrate it. Death says that the sky was bleached and ready for the next dawn.
  • Max arrives

    Max arrives
    Max is a run away Jew who is given the Hubermann's address by his mother and she told him to go there. He is Hans Hubermann's friend's son from the war but death says that Eric, Han's war friends, has died
  • Warsaw Ghetto

    Warsaw Ghetto
    The Warsaw ghetto is sealed. There are around 5000,000 people sealed in the ghetto.
  • Rudy's punishment

    Rudy's punishment
    Rudy stood up for Tommy at the Hitler Youth March but got in trouble and had to run laps. Death says that he had mud all over him and had a sad, absurd smile.
  • Star of David

    Star of David
    Germans push segregating Jews even further. Now, Jews in German are required to wear the yellow star of David with the word "Jude" on it..
  • Cologne

    In Death's diary, he says that Cologne is bombed and she has to pick up all of the souls.Once he was done picking up all of the souls, the sky was yellow.
  • French Jews

    French Jews
    French Jews in a German prison on Polish soil. Death says that the first person he saw, his mind was racing.
  • Dead Russians

    Dead Russians
    Death says that it was just another day in Russia. Among the city, there were dead Russians and Germans everywhere.
  • Bombing

    There was bombing on Himmel street March 9-10 and most of the neighborhood stayed in the neighbor's basement. Death was actually there and recognized Liesel when she and Rudy saw a dying pilot and they gave g=him a teddy bear.
  • Liesel was finished

    Liesel was finished
    By the next raid, Liesel finished her book that she wrote in the basement. The name of her book was "The Book Thief" and it was about her life living on Himmel Street.
  • The end

    The end
    The night of October 7th, Himmel Street was bombed and Liesel was the only one that lived through it. Death says that no one wanted to bomb Himmel street. They wouldn't bomb a place named after heaven, would they?
  • Assassinate Hitler

    Assassinate Hitler
    A group of German officers were done with Hitler and decided he must be stopped. The group of officers tried to assassinate Hitler on this date.
  • Hitlers death

    Hitlers death
    Adolf Hitler commits suicide by gunshot. His wife, Eva, also commits suicide by his side.
  • End of World War II

    End of World War II
    World War II lasted six years. It finally ends when Japan surrenders.
  • Max Returns

    Max Returns
    Liesel was acompanying Alex Stiener in his shop when Max comes in to the shop. Liesel runs to him and hugs him, cried, and even fell on the floor.