The Begginings of Rome

  • Founding of Rome part 2

    Then 12 vultures flew over the Palatine, that sign indicated that Romulus had to be the king of the city. So they both started fighting and Remus was killed. This way, Romulus bcame the king of Rome, and names it Rome after his name. This way we have the city of Rome.
  • Founding of Rome Part 1

    Founding of Rome Part 1
    Rome began with the leyend of Romulus and Remus. This bos were two twins which had been placed in the Tiber river afte they were born unexpectedly. A she-wolf found the two boys and raised them. When they grew up, they got together and decided to build a city in the Tiber river. Since there were two, they let the Gods decide who should rule the city. So they both climbed the top of a different hill to look for a sign of the Gods.
  • Period: to


  • The etruscans: "Daily Life"

    The etruscans: "Daily Life"
    The Etruscans loved doing lots of things, such as playing games, dancing, playing and watching sports... They had a strong sense of social order which at first didn't really matter, but it changed. They were separated into three different classes. The upper class, formed by the nobles, priests and rich landowners. The middle class, formed by farmers, traders and city workers. The lower class, consistes basically of slaves. All the love to play games didn't change with this modification.
  • The etruscanas "Religious Beliefs"

    The etruscanas "Religious Beliefs"
    Greek Gods were similar to humans. Etruscans borrowed the Gods from the Greeks and the Romans from the Etruscans. Romans did lots of things for the Gods such as worshipping them. They worshiped them in a stone ground. Until they started to build temples for them. They did this because they started to think that Gods were really and truly important. If they praid to them for help to grow crops faster, they thought that the Gods will help them.
  • The Etruscans Religious Beliefs part 2

    The Gods were divided into zones. The Gods of nature to the South, the Gods of death to the West and the Gods of heaven to the East. That is why they build temples facing the East. The Etruscans also had Soothsayers. Soothsayers are people who predict the future with omens. omens are signs that help predict the future. Religion was very important for the Etruscans because it helped them in their life.
  • The Etruscans Tombs of Gold Part 2

    This catacombs had beds and chairs, when they got the dead bodies, they would place them in the bed as if they were resting. The Etruscans believed in live after death, and they thought that life after death was more important than life in Earth and it lasted longer. The necropolis was outside the Etruscan city of Caere. It is one of the largest Etruscn cementeries. There were mounds of soil piled in the shape of a dome on top of a base. These mounds measured 100 feet, or 30, centimeters across.
  • The etruscans "Tombs of Gold"

    We have cities for the living people, and we hace cementeries. The Etruscans had cities also for the death. They were called Necropolis. When a noble died they held a great banquet. In this banquet, two enslaved people fought against each other to death. The spirit of the death slave will go with the noble's spirit to the underworld. The death people were burried underground in catacombs. Catacombs were tombs decorated drawed pictures of daily life.