
The Australian Industrialisation of Railways

  • The First Railway in Australia

    In Victoria, a railway between Flinders Street, Melbourne and Port Melbourne was born. It was the first of its kind in Australia.
  • South Australia's First Railway

    The very first steam-powered raiilway for South Australia went from Adelaide to Port Adelaide.
  • Tasmania's First Railway

    Between Launceston and Deloraine was Tasmamia's first ever railways. It streched 72 kilometres long.
  • Queensland's First Railway

    In Queensland, a railway stretching between Ipswich and Grandchester was the first of its kind in Queensland, and later was connected to Brisbane.
  • Western Australia's First Railway

    The first railway opened in 1871, and was a private timber railway, though a government one opened up eight years later.
  • Northern Territory's First Railway

    A railway 253 kilometres long that went from Darwin to Pine Creek was operational as of now.
  • ACT's First Railway

    In the year of the beginning of the WWI, the Australian Capital Territory opened.