The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

  • The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

    fiction- pages 1-30 total; (209) In the first 30 pages of this book it Enzo the main character introduces himself and his life being a dog. Next he talks about his owner Denny and his wifeand daughter. Enzo is appointed as the protector of Denny's daughter Zoe and silently promises Denny's wife he will never let anything happen to her.
  • The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

    pages 30-60; total (239) In this section of the book Denny goes on a trip to pursue his racecar driving career. While he is gone his wife Eve becomes very ill so shetake their daughter Zoe and goes to her parents house forgetting about Enzo the dog in the process. Enzo survives a few days with no food or water but he has a halluecination of a stuffed zebra dancing and destroying other stuffed animals. Eventually Denny returns, saves Enzo from starvation, and yells at Eve for being irresponsible.
  • The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

    pages 60-90; total(269) In these pages Eve is still very sick so Denny has to do hisbest to help out with Zoe because Eve cannot do much. Next, Enzo explains his burning hatred of crows and why they make him so angry. After that Eve cuts herself with a knife and Denny realizes how bad her condition is. Denny does his best to support his family since he is the only source of income,
  • The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

    pages 90-150; total(329) In this section Eve falls and hits her head so she is rushed to the hospital. After the doctors do some tests they discover that she has brain cancer and only has about a year to live. She is placed in the hospital and stays for several months. The family visits her every day until they find out she can return home.
  • The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

    pages 150-180; total(359) in this section Denny take Enzo for a ride in a racecar. Later on Eve outlives the time she was estimated to live for but not too much longer she passes away. This leads to her parents fighting to get custody of Zoe.
  • The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

    pages 180-230; total (409) During the pages I read Enzo and his family are still upset over Eve's death. Denny's friend Mike offers him a shoulder to cry on but Denny bottles up his feelings. Enzo and his family had just gotten used to life without Eve when Denny is arrested for a false accusation of rape.
  • The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

    pages 230-280;total (459) In the pages that i read Denny and Enzo are living alone without Eve or Zoe. Denn'ys trial is approaching and he is very worried about losing his daughter Zoe. Denny then decides to agree to the custody schedule so that still see Zoe but Enzo tears up the papers inspiring Denny to try and get full custody of Zoe.
  • The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

    pages 280-321; total (500) In the last section of the book the rape charge against Denny is dropped and he is awarded custody og Zoe. After that a man calls and offers Denny a job a racecar driver in Italy which he gladly accepts. A week or so before they are scheduled to leave Enzo passes away. AT the end Denny is in Itally years later and meets a young racer boy anmed Enzo.