
The 70s

  • U.S. President

    U.S. President
    1.)Richard Nixon is commonly remembered as the only president to resign in office; he did so because of the rising tension caused by the WaterGate scandal. 2.)He served in the Navy during World War 2, and lost many elections before winning the one which earned him a short term as the President. 3.)His term eneded August 9th 1974.
  • Period: to

    Richard Nison's Presidency

  • Music

    1.)ZZ Top, one of the hundreds of bands formed in the early 1970s has a recognizable shctick with long beards and biker glasses. Maybe not the greatest triumph, but ZZ Top also has the most Guitar Hero songs out of any artist or band of all time.
  • Transportation

    1.)This early form of a Ford Mustang, known often as the FastBack, was a hard top convertable with 2.)foldable glass windows and a back seat which folded away and dissapeared into the trunk. 3.)To this day, many of the originals still boast a V8 block style engine.
  • Music

    1.)Called "The Greatest Rock Band of All Time," Aerosmith continues to this day to dominate the musical industry with soulful songs that every day people from any decade can relate to.
  • Form of Technology

    Form of Technology
    1.)Although they had been invented for years, microprocessors became commercially available in calculators and other household items in early 1971. 2.)It made compact laptops and the 3.)randomizer possible.
  • Fashion

    1.)Often called "The absolute worst fad of all time," belted sweaters were and still are an absurd fad, involving comically large sweaters with silken belts around them.
  • News Event

    News Event
    1.Early in the morning on September 9th, 1971, Prisoners fromn cell block 5 at Attica State Prison, a maximum security correstional facility, were being led to breakfast. 2.)It was rumored that one of there comrades was being left in his cell without breakfast anbd being tortured by one of the guards. A few of the prisoners broke off from the group and went back to free him from his cell.3.)The prisoners revolted and held the prison hostage for days.
  • Actor

    1.)Al Pacino, who starred in the all timne classic, The Godfather, 2.)has starred in over 45 movies as of 2013. Called one of the greatest actors of all time, he has also been nominated for over 3.)75 major awards over the years.
  • Fashion

    1.)Bell Bottom jeans were jeans with extremely wide bottoms, and became very popular during the "hippie" craze to people of all ages.
  • Sports Figure

    Sports Figure
    1.)Making his great comeback in the early 1970s from his pitfall due to legal troubles, he has earned the undoubtable nickname of the greatest boxer of all time. 2.)During his "Dark Years," he was stripped of all his boxing titles because of his refusal to be drafted. 3.)In his life, he has been arrested 3 times and married 4.
  • Music

    1.)The absolute top grossing band of all time, AC/DC (Refered to as Acca-Dacca in Australia), AC/DC is a pioneer in rock. As The name suggests (alternating current/direct current, and electrical term) the band is full of energy and often pulls stunts such as stage dives and tricks involving dangerous pyrotechnics.
  • Fashion

    1.)Afros, a hairstyle worn by people with long, curly and shapable hair, became a symbol of power and independence in the early 1970s.
  • Toys

    1.)One of the most collectable items of all time, the Pet Rock was in actuality just a small, garden store stone in a cardboard "pet cage." The novelty of it was simply a pet that didn't require much maintenence or really any attention at all. It came with an "instruction manual."
  • TV Show

    TV Show
    1.)Produced and hosted by Chuck Barris, this show can be classified as a 3.)comedy and variety show. 2.)It had many reoccuring skits and guests such as Gene Gen the DAncing Machine and The Unknown Comic, many of whom went on to become famous stars.
  • Movie

    1.)The fourth highest grossing movie of the 1970s, Smokey and the Bandit starred many rising stars such as 2.)Burt Reynolds and Jerry Reed. 3.)Most commonly noted about the movie was it's use of numerous cars, like the '76 Pontiac Trans Am.
  • Toys

    1.)Often reffered to as "Simon Says," this game first emerged in electronic form in late 1978 as " Follow Me."
  • Toys

    1.)This was an early form of the now common programmable robot. It was typically a rather expensive childs toy, and featured a bright "Photon Ray" and 6 wheels of tank-tread.