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The 1800's!

  • Midnight Judges

    Midnight Judges
    The judiciary act of 1801 added 16 judges to the supreme court. John Adams added these judges at midnight on the last night of his presidency.
  • Seceratary of State

    Seceratary of State
    Thomas Jefferson is elected President of the United States, and James Madison is his seceratary of state. This is important because Madison would soon make many great accomplishments for the country.
  • Court Decides

    Court Decides
    On this day the court decided on the Marbury vs. Madison case. This was imnportant because it brought in judicial review which is a very important aspect of any court case.
  • Louisianna Purchase

    Louisianna Purchase
    For the small price of 15 million dollars, Thomas Jefferson was able to buy the Louisianna territory for less than 5 cents per acre. This made him wildly popular, as he pushed for manifest destiny (western expansion).
  • Lewis and CLark

    Lewis and CLark
    Lewis and Clark begin their expedition. They are sent out to explore the foreign land that was bought in the Louisiana purchase. They were sent with Sacajewea, who would interperet anyting that would happen when they came into contact with natives.
  • Re-Election

    During Jefferson's re-election he made many decision that led up to war. These are the way he created relationships with other regions and france and Britain.
  • Blockade

    Britain had created a blockade stopping ships from leaving or entering after they had stopped trading during war.
  • Embargo

    After the Chespeake Bay Incident, which was when the British wanted to check American ships for people trying to leave them, and after the Chespeake refused this, the British killed 3 American's and wounded 18. As a result, Thomas Jefferson passed an Embargo act baning the export of goods from America to any Country. This would in the end hurt America, and stop them from making money. The image shows how The embargo was in the end hurting, and going against America
  • New President

    New President
    James Madison becomes the fourth US President at this time. He has removed the Ebargo act, and strongly supported Jefferson. He is known as the "Father of the Constitution."
  • Tecuseh

    Throughout the month of may, Tecumseh had created a confederation of natives to fight against their cruel treatment. Especially because William Henry Harrison bought most of their land.