17 century image

The 17th Century

  • Louise Moillon (French Painter)

    Louise Moillon (French Painter)
    Louise Moillon was a still life painter in the Baroque Era, she became well known for being one of the best still life painters of her time.
    The “Market scene with a pickpocket Portrait” is a unique and detailed portrait. Not only did Moillon capture the characteristics of each fruit and vegetable and how they lay next to one another, but the detailed look on the customers’ faces as they shop was very important to capture as well.
  • Anna Maria Thelott (Swedish Artist)

    Anna Maria Thelott (Swedish Artist)
    Anna Maria Thelott, (1683-1710) was a Swedish artist, and one of the first self-supporting and professional female artists in Scandinavia. She was an engraver, an illustrator, a woodcut-artist, and a miniaturist painter.
    There was not a lot of information regarding Anna, but I found her fascinating because she did so much, being an engraver, and illustrator, a wood cut-artist, and a painter! I found her to be an amazing woman and artist.