tessa STAAR social studies

  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    limited the power of the king and gave rich man more rights.
  • Jamestown founded

    First English colony in america.colonized to sell tobacco
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    southern colonies founding

    jamestown was the first successful american colony,economic oppurtunuties
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    England colonies formed

    Reasons for settling was mayflower compact and religions freedom, geography was rocky soil, main religions were puritans and pilgrims.
  • Virginia House of Burgess

    This is the first representative government set up in america.
  • Mayflower compact

    pilgrims seeking religious freedoms we're going to stick together
  • Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

    It was one of the first representative governments in america.This creates an idea for the founders of the revolution.
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    middle colonies formed

    The reason for settling was economy and religious freedom,geography of the region was fertile soils flat lands and plains,main religion was Quaker.
  • Mercantalism

    The system was american colonies provided raw materials for England,which then sold the finished product back to the colonies.This upset colonies because they felt it violated their freedom.
  • Proclamation line

    British colonies to the east,french and Native American to the west of the Appalachian mountains.
  • Stamp Act

    It was the first tax placed on the American colonies to pay back the debt caused by the french Indian war.
  • Stamp act congress

    The first meeting between multiple colonies to discuss their problems with king of england.
  • Boston Massacre

    Americans were protesting the taxes. Crispus Attucks was the first death of american revolution.5 colonists died
  • Boston Tea party

    This was a protest by the sons of liberty they did it because there was tax on tea.Sons of liberty were Indians and their leaders were Samuel Adams.
  • Coercive (intolerable) Acts

    Set to punish the colonies for their protests:banned town meetings etc.
  • Constitutional convention

    major names;george washington,james madison,george mason,roger sherman,william peterson,james wilson.George Washington was the main author.
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    George Washington's presidency

    He set up a cabinet of advisors
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    A protest to the first tax that was placed after the constitution was written.President George Washington shut it down with his millitary.
  • Pinckney's Treaty

    A treaty signed with spain to allow the U.S. to trade in New Orleans.
  • Washington's Farewell Address

    Washington's two advice;Stay neutral in foreign affairs, and no political parties
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    Jhon Adam's Presidency

    He is the first president to claim a political party.He was a leader of the federalist party.Aliens & Sedition acts allowed the central government to imprison you if you were from a foreign country.
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    Thomas Jefferson's Presidency

    He was a leader of the Democratic-republican Party.He go to war with Barbary pirates, this was the first official war the U.S..
  • Louisana Purchase

    It doubled th size of the U.S..
  • Marbury V. Madison

    Set up the judicial review.