
By 23050
  • The First Electronic Television

    The First Electronic Television
    The first electronic television was created by Philo Taylor Farnsworth. He was 21 years old at the time he invented it.
  • The First Television Station aired in America

    The First Television Station aired in America
    The first TV station aired its first broadcast on July 2nd, 1928. It was called WRGB, now know as ABC News channel 6 WRGB Albany.
  • Commercials "yeah"

    The first 13 years TV existed it had no commercials. The first commercial was about the Bulova watch and was 10 seconds long.
  • The First Television Remote Control

    The first remote control was called the Tele Zoom. The only feature on the remote was zoom in.
  • The First Colored Television

    CBS had a model for the colored TV but it was for a mechanical television no the electric. RCA released the colored electronic television.
  • Music Television

    Music Television (MTV) start on the TV in 1980. It started a 24 hour loop on a channel of the TV due to people have TV's all over the world.
  • DVD

    In 2000 the DVD was invented. It stands for Digital Video Disc.
  • DVD's outsold VHS Tapes

    The DVD has outsold the VHS tape for the first time. It was only four short years for the DVD to pass the vhs.
  • The Flat Screen TV

    The Flat screen TV was introduced. At the time these TV's were very expensive due to the resources inside.
  • Netflix

    Netflix was at first a online DVD rental store. But it started to streaming movies in 2007 due to almost bankrupt.
  • Hulu

    Hulu was open to public access in March 12, 2007. Hulu is Currently owned by Walt Disney Company. It streamed movies for free for a while when Hollywood saw the movie streaming potential.
  • 3D TV

    3D TV
    The 3D television came around in the stores. When the movie Avatar was in the Theaters
  • 10K Television

    It's created but not available for sale quite yet. Don't think 4K, think 10K it might come sooner than you think. With 10K, that's a lot of quality TV.
  • Everything Digital.

    Everything Digital.
    CD players won't be sold anymore, so be lucky if you have one. No more CD's anymore due to digital downloads.
  • Pure Hologram TV

     Pure Hologram TV
    The hologram television is partially a thing now. But what I mean by pure is no glass involved.