
By 190060
  • Z1 Computer

    Z1 Computer
    Konrad Zuse invented the very first computer that could be freely programmed,
  • ABC Computer

    ABC Computer
    John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry helped each other invent a new computer that turned out to be the first in the computer business.
  • Harvard Mark I Computer

    Harvard Mark I Computer
    The Harvard Mark Computer was invented by Howard Aiken & Grace Hopper
  • ENIAC 1 Computer

    ENIAC 1 Computer
    The ENIAC 1 Computer used over 20,000 tubes and it was the first electronic general purpose computer. It was invented by John Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly
  • FORTRAN Computer Programming Language

    FORTRAN Computer Programming Language
    The FORTRAN Computer Programming Language was invented John Backus and IBM
  • Spacewar Computer Game

    Spacewar Computer Game
    Steve Russell and MITT worked hard together to invent the very frist game for a computer ever
  • The Floppy Disk

    The Floppy Disk
    Alan Shugart and IBM made the first "floppy' disk that got its name from its flexibility. It was used for storing information
  • The Ethernet Computer Networking

    This piece of equipment was invented by Robert Metcalfe and Xerox, it was used for networking
  • WordStar Software

    This was invented for word processing and was also invented by the brains of Seymour Rubenstein and Rob Barnaby.
  • Apple Lisa Computer

    Apple Lisa Computer
    The Apple Lisa Computer wqs the very first computer you can use at home to ever invented that had a graphical user interface
  • Apple Macintosh Computer

    Apple Macintosh Computer
    Apple came out with a new computer that could be used at home and was more affordable with a graphical user interface
  • Microsoft Windows

    Microsoft Windows
    On this day Microsoft created a new computer with very improved software that soon began a competition with Apple and their products.
  • USB Necklace

    USB Necklace
    This will be invented as a studded necklace that if you just pull on the big jewel a 4 GB USB will come out
  • Smart Glasses

    Smart Glasses
    Imagine walking around with your glasses on and you all of a sudden have to look up something but you dont have a computer on you, all you have to do is turn on your glasses!
  • Interactive T-Shirts

    When you put a AA battery in your shirt you have an equalizer dancing to sounds around you