Technology science in the 19c 3 1140x640


  • Steam engine James watt

    Steam engine James watt
    Steam engines were used in all sorts of applications including factories, mines, locomotives, and steamboats There is only one place left on earth where steam locomotives are still widely in use: the Chinese industrial hinterland.
  • Arc lamp Humphry Davy

    Arc lamp Humphry Davy
    device for producing light by maintaining an electric arc across a gap between two conductors; Today, arc lamps are used in applications requiring intense brightness, such as searchlights, floodlight and large film projector lights
  • the stethoscope René Laënnec

    the stethoscope René Laënnec
    used for investigating the sounds made by the heart and lungs to determine diagnoses. It revolutionized medicine.
  • Telegraph Samuel F.B. Morse

    Telegraph Samuel F.B. Morse
    the telegraph revolutionized long-distance communication. It worked by transmitting electrical signals over a wire laid between stations.
  • Sewing machine Elias Howe

    Sewing machine Elias Howe
    I'ts a machine used to sew fabric and materials together with thread His invention helped the mass production of sewing machines and clothing. That in turn revolutionized the sewing industry and freed women from some of the drudgery of daily life at the time.
  • the typewriter Christopher Latham

    the typewriter Christopher Latham
    The typewriter, by reducing the time and expense involved in creating documents, encouraged the spread of systematic management. It allowed a system of communications that shaped the business world.
  • The telephone Alexander Graham Bell

    The telephone Alexander Graham Bell
    An instrument designed for the simultaneous transmission and reception of the human voice. His invention of the telephone made Bell a wealthy man. In turn, the telephone allowed communication across great distances and is one of the single most significant inventions that led to the modern age.
  • Induction electric motor Nikola Tesla

    Induction electric motor Nikola Tesla
    Nikola Tesla invented the induction motor with rotating magnetic field that made unit drives for machines feasible and made AC power transmission an economic necessity. The induction motor is one of the most important inventions in modern history. It turned the wheels of progress at a new speed and officially kicked off the second industrial revolution by drastically improving energy generation efficiency and making the long-distance distribution of electricity possible
  • Diesel engine Rudolf Diesel

    Diesel engine Rudolf Diesel
    They were originally used as a more efficient replacement for stationary steam engines. The development of the internal combustion engine helped to free men from the hardest manual labor, made possible the airplane and other forms of transportation, and helped to revolutionize power generation.
  • First airplane Orville and Wilbur Wright

    First airplane Orville and Wilbur Wright
    the Wright brothers achieved the first powered, sustained and controlled airplane flight; The impact of the airplane on the 20th century is beyond measure. The Wrights not only solved a long-studied technical problem, but also helped create an entirely new world.