
  • steam engine

    thomas newcomen invents the steam engine
  • The spinning jenny is invented.

    The spinning jenny is invented.
    was invented the time it took to use yarn
  • Eli Whitney patents the cotton gin.

    the cotton gin makes it easier to seperate cottton seeds from the flower saving time and making ore money for the south
  • Samuel Morse invents the telegraph.

    Samuel Morse invents the telegraph.
    the first telegraph was sent. the telegraph allows messages to be sent quickly over a wire
  • Elisha Otis invents breaks

    Elisha Otis invents breaks
    Elisha Otis invents a safety break to prevent them from falling if a cable breaks, making people feel more confident about using elevators in tall buildings.
  • Alfred Nobel creates dynamite

    Alfred Nobel creates dynamite
    Alfred Nobel invents Dynamite which is important in clearing paths to build things such as roads and railroad tracks.
  • christopher sholes

    christopher sholes
    invented typewriter
  • Louis Pasteur vaccine

    January 1870 Louis Pasteur develops vaccines for diseases. Louis Pasteur believed that germs caused disease. Using this information, he created vaccines that helped prevent many diseases
  • wright brothers

    wright brothers
    first powerd air plane
  • Henry Ford creates the Model T.

    Henry Ford creates the Model T.
    cars are made fast with the assembly line