T.V through time Hunter

  • The first T.V

    The first T.V
    The first T.V was invented in San Francisco by a man named Philo Taylor in 1927 and it looked like a big rectangle with no legs or a stand, and most of the T.V wasn't a screen. The T.V had big speakers on the sides of the T.v and little buttons underneath the speakers.
  • T.V's in this time

    T.V's in this time
    In the 1950's, T.V's were black and white and were not a lot of shows on but, there was "The Twillight Zone" which was a "Must see" show. The T.V Looked like a small box that had no stands to hold it up and It's main function was to have families watch good shows that was available, and to let people know what is going on.
  • T.v's in this timeline

    In the 1970's, the T.V's started to get better by the size and how the screen picture was all color and it didn't look exactly like what it would look in person, but it did look better thsan it use to look like. One show that was n in the 1970's is "Chips" and was a really great show and people started to watch it and was a "kid type" show.
  • T.V's in the 1990's

    In the 1990's, the t.v's were bigger and they were mostly black. They had little buttons on the bottom of the T.V. They even had spots to to plug in your cords for the T.V. The screen was very big and had a outline around the screen that was black. The T.V felt like plastic and the speakers were on the side of the T.V and were bigger than they were on the 1980's T.V's. The T.V's function was to entertain people and they had shows like "Full House" and "Friends" on they even had commercials.
  • TV in the 1990's continued

    On these T.V's, they used lot's of metals to make the speakers fit and have the sound come out of it correctly. The T.V's had a budget, some of the T.V's were up to $2,500 and the least was $2,000.