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Surgical History

  • First Sex Reassignment

    First Sex Reassignment
    Lili Elbe was the first person to go from male to female in the 1930's before surgical technology was very high tech.
  • First Metal Hip Replacement

    First Metal Hip Replacement
    Dr. Austin T. Moore used a cobalt-chrome alloy metal to replace the hip.
  • First successful Kidney Transplant

    First successful Kidney Transplant
    Dr. Richard Lawler performed the first successful kidney transplant but unfortunately a few month later the patient died due to graft rejection
  • First Successful Open Heart Surgery

    First Successful Open Heart Surgery
    Dr F. John Lewis successful did the first open heart procedure to close an atrial septal defect. This showed that a heart could be stopped and started and the patient could survive.
  • First success use of a heart-lung bypass machine

    First success use of a heart-lung bypass machine
    This milestone first done by Dr. John Gibbon corrected an atrial septal defect is the turning point towards modern cardiac surgery.
  • Period: to

    Many First in Medicine

    1954: First living kidney donor donated to twin.
    1966: First Pancreas transplant.
    1967: First Successful liver transplant.
  • First Heart Transplant Surgery

    First Heart Transplant Surgery
    Christiaan Barnard performed the first heart transplant in the world in the country of South Africa. Putting it on the map. This is a huge leap forward in medicine as a whole.
  • Key Hole Surgery

    Key Hole Surgery
    The first laparoscopic surgery was done allowing for the cosmetic side of surgery to not imped on people perception of one another with large scars as we what would happen in the past. Normally done in the abdomen and female pelvic organs.
  • First Test Tube Baby

    First Test Tube Baby
    The First baby to be born using vitro fertilization (IVF). This shows the world that people have other options to have children if they are having problem or cannot naturally.
  • Baboon Heart Transplant

    Baboon Heart Transplant
    While unsuccessful in the long term Baby Fae survived 21 days with a baboon heart. This a leap that shows with the proper moves there may be a possibility to use animals as a way for organs that humans cannot produce without dyeing causing a backlog of people needing organs.
  • First robotic surgery

    First robotic surgery
    The first surgery with robotics move the medical field leaps and bounds as it is helping to move away from the human aspect which we have flaws and can cause errors to more something that will revolutionize the field and possible help save more lives with less errors.
  • First Hand Transplant

    First Hand Transplant
    While it is never the same as your own hand having a new hand for some is a life changer and will allow people to have a more "normal life"
  • FDA approval of Cyber knife

    FDA approval of Cyber knife
    The Cyber knife is a magnitude leap for the medical field and has created an innovated way to do surgery without even opening a person up. This is primarily to burn or kill things in the body but the future is open to anything.
  • Endoscopic Surgery

    Endoscopic Surgery
    The first surgery was done to allow for no incisions which allow for surgery to not cause scars and make people feel better about their bodies and surgeries if they need to have them.
  • First Full Face Transplant

    First Full Face Transplant
    This is a hope for the burn victims and people that need to have face reconstruction.
  • History of Medicine

    History of Medicine
    All of the events before this show the progress that the surgical field has made in the advancement from basic surgeries to the most advance surgeries. From body altering to life saving the world of medicine is ever changing and will only get more advance as time goes on.