Summer of 2014

  • Brother left for Penhold

    Brother left for Penhold
    My brother, Martin Thomas Camungol went to staff at Penhold Air Cadet Summer Training Centre for seven weeks
  • Left for Penhold Air Cadet Summer Training Centre (PACSTC)

    Left for Penhold Air Cadet Summer Training Centre (PACSTC)
    I went to PACSTC for General Training (GT) for two weeks
  • Visited Museum

    Visited Museum
    At GT we visited a museum for training
  • Achieved Drill Competition Commander

    Achieved Drill Competition Commander
    I was chosen to be the commander for the Drill Competition between the GT flights
  • Achieved Flight 2nd in command

    On our grad parade I was chosen to be my flights 2nd in command (2IC)
  • Achieved top cadet of my flight

    Achieved top cadet of my flight
    I was voted by my flight staff as the best cadet in my flight
  • Left PACSTC

    Left PACSTC
    I graduated along with the rest of the first intake and we left PACSTC to go home
  • My Brother came back from PACSTC

    My Brother came back from PACSTC
    My brother finished staffing and came back home with the money he earned as well as a 2DS and games
  • Completed Battlefield 4

    Completed Battlefield 4
    We bought the game on August 18th but it was broken and we got it replaced, after only a few days, I completed the game
  • Got Netflix

    Got Netflix
    My family made a Netflix account so now we can get rid of most of the channels that we pay for because we can just watch Netflix