stuff from the 1700's and 1800's

  • Farmers evicted

    Many landowners in the late 1700s began evicting their tenant farmers. They wanted to use the land to farm sheep since wool brought in more money then rent paid by the tenant farmers. The displaced farmers had two choices, move to the city and become a factory worker or migrate to north america and continue farming.
  • Colonies Established

    Selkirk had established colonies in PEI and upper Canada. His HBC wealth helped him launch more ambitious projects to the northwest.
  • Scottish and Irish laboureres leave England

    36 Scottish and Irish labourers left Britain under the command of an ex-militia officer named Miles Mcdonald. Their job was to scout ahead and find a good place for the colonists to settle. However they arrived late and were forced to spend the winter there, only two months later more than 100 men, women and children arrived. They were forced to stay the winter at fort pembina, surviving only on pemmican.
  • HBC and Grant

    Selkirk had convinced the HBC to grant him 300 000 square kilometres of what is now southern Manitoba and north Dakota. The HBC felt they had legal ownership of the land because it was oart of Ruperts land.
  • Arrive at red river

    European colonists arrived where the red and assiniboine rivers meet, where Winnepeg is today.