Stellar summerizer week -4

By btbw
  • The Rheme's begin packing

    The Rhemes begin packing their valuable items.Getting ready to leave.
  • Hans invades their house

    Hans invades their house searching for Jews not being careful over any of their personal belongings.
  • Hans kicks Korrinas cat

    While Hans was searching their house he got suspicious.He thought they were hiding Jews but he couldn't find them.He got irritated and kicked the cat but he missed.He went in again and BOOM!The cat was laying in his side crippled.
  • Hans doesn't trust the Rhemes

    Hans grew suspicious and promised to arrest the Rhemes.
  • The Rheme family tear up

    The Rheme family gets upset and they all start crying.Even the father.
  • The Rehmes leave off

    They go off in the bicycles.The dad stored them in case a event like this happened.