State and Federal Government Leading up to the Civil War

By gbond
  • The Second Continental Congress ends slave trade

    The Second Continental Congress staes "that no slaves be imported into any of the thirteen United Colonies."
  • Three-Fifths Compromise

    Constitutional Convention agrees upon the Three-fifths Compromise. Three-fifths of the slave population will count towrds the population that affects congressional representation, Fugitive slaves must be returned to owner. Congress forbidden from ending slave trade until 1808.
  • Lousiana Purchase

    Lousiana Purchase sets the stage for future debate over slavery and State power.
  • Tariff of 1832

    Tariff seen by the South as a way to protect the North's economy. This caused the nullification crisis of South Carolina. It seemed South Carolina would succeed from the Union until a compromise was made in 1833, lowering the tariff tax by 10%.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Partially resolved the conflict of new states becoming either slave states or free states. The Compromise had 5 main points. California became a free state. New Mexico and Utah used Popular Sovereignty to decide to become a slave or free state. Texas gave up part of its land for 10 million dollars -- used to pay Mexico. Slave trade was abolished in Washington, DC. And The Fugitive Trade Act made it a crime for a government official not to return a slave to the owner.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Northerners were obligated to return runaway slaves to owner, regardless of feelings toward slavery. Rare piece of legislature that favored southern states. Angered many northerners. one of the inspirations for publishing Uncle Tom's Cabin in 1852.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    The Act created the territories of Nebraska and Kansas. The Act also allows the people to choose to become a slave or free state. This causes a flood of supporters from both sides into the states to try to sway the decision. Violent war between the two sides followed because of the Act
  • Lincoln-Douglass Debates

    Lincoln and Dougless debate over Federal and State government. Lincoln was in favor of a strong federal government while Douglas favored a weak central government which gave more power to the states. The north favored Lincoln, the South favored Douglas.
  • Lincoln's Speech in New York

    President Lincoln states that the Federal Government has the power to abolish slavery. This fuels a heate debate between the North and South. The South want states to have the power of nullification. This one of the primary casues of the Civil War,
  • Lincoln becomes President

    The last straw for the South. South Carolina would succeed, leading to other southern states to also succeed from the Union.