S.S Timeline

  • Treaty of Paris 1783

    ended the American Revolutionary War
  • Northwest Ordinance

    created the Northwest Territory; which included the area that is now Ilinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin
  • Preisdent John Adams

    President from 1797-1801
    John Adam created the Alien and Sedition Acts , and the XYZ affair.
  • President Thomas Jefferson

    Preisdent from 1801-1809.
    He believed in strict construction which was that people could only do and say what the constitution goes by. He also bought the Louisiana purchase for 15 million dollars. He issued the embargo act which was stopping all foreign trade.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Thomas Jefferson bought the Louisiana Piurchase from the French for 15 million dollars.
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    when Lewis and Clark explored the area west of the 13 colonies trying to find a trade route to the Pacific Ocean from 1804-1806
  • Preisdent James Madison

    President from 1809-1817.
    He was the author of the constitution. The war of 1812 defined his presidency. The Treaty of Get ended the war of U.S vs. England which he led.
  • War of the 1812

    United States, Great Britain, Native Americans
    ended in 1815. This was the U.S vs. England and James Madison led the Americans into the war. British had raided Washington,
  • President James Monroe

    Served from 1817-1825
  • Acquisition of the Red River Basin

    when U.S got the area of the Red River Basin from a treaty from the United Kingdom
  • Acquisition of Florida

    when U.S got Florida from rebelling from Spain
  • Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise was entered into the Union as a slave state, Maine would join the Union as a free state, and slavery would be prohibitited in any new territories or states formed north of 36 30 latitude- Missouri's southern border.
  • President John Quincy Adams

    1825-1829 served as President
  • President Andrew Jackson

    Served as President from 1829-1837.
    He had the Expansion of the Franchise which allowed more people to vote. He created Nomination Conventions which allowed more people to become involved, more democratic. He also created Active Campagning. This allowed the candiates to go out and campaign people to vote for them. Trail of Tears and Indian Removal Act were acts that made the Indians move their land they have been living on for the past thousands of years to different lands they didnt know.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Authorized the removal of American Indians who lived east of the Mississippi River . This was when the Indidans had to move from their anncestrial lands to unsettled land across the Mississippi.
  • Worchester v. Georgia

    The was when the U.S vacated conviction of Samuel Worcester, and heldn that the Georgia criminal statute that prohibited non-Indians from being present on Indian lands without a license from the state was unconstitutional.
  • Texas War for Independence

    War from 1835-1836 between the Mexican government and Texas
  • President Martin Van Buren

  • President William Henry Harrison

  • President John Tyler

  • Preisdent James K.Polk

    1845-1849. President Polk led us into getting the Mexican , bu provoking the Mexicans to attack us first,
  • Gold Rush

    where many people headed to California to look for gold, from 1848-1855
  • Mexican Cession

    Includeds land the present-day states of California, Nevada and Utah, and included some part of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Wyoming. Fought Mexico by attacking them after they attacked us on American soil. We provoked them to attack first. Under President Polk.
  • Acquisition of Oregon Territory

    When U.S shared the Oregon Area; the land north of California and west of the Rocky Mountains, with Britain
  • President Zachary Taylor

  • President Millard Fillmore

  • President Franklin Pierce

    Served from 1853-1857
  • Gadsen Purchase

    U.S payed Mexico $10 million for present day New Mexico and Arizona, purchased by President James Gadsen
  • President James Buchanan

    1857-1861 when served as President
  • President Abraham Lincoln

  • President Andrew Johnson

    Served as President 1865-1869
  • President Ulysses S. Grant

  • President Rutherford B. Hayes

  • President James A. Garfield

  • President Chester A. Arthur

  • President Grover Cleveland

  • President Benjamin Harrison

  • President Grover Cleveland

  • President William McKinely

  • States admitted to the Union after the original 13 colonies

    Vermont- 1791 Kentucky 1792 Tennessee 1796 Ohio 1803
    Louisiana 1812 Indiana 1816 Mississippi 1817 Illinois 1818 Alabama 1819 Maine 1820 Missouri 1836 Michigan 1837
    Florida 1845 Texas 1845 Iowa 1846 Wisconsin 1848 California 1850 Minnesota 1858 Oregon 1859 Kansas 1861
    West Virginia 1863 Nevada 1864 Nebraska 1867 Colorado 1876 North Dakota 1889 South Dakota 1889 Montana 1889 Washington 1889 Idaho July 3, 1890 Wyoming 1890 Utah 1896 Oklahoma 1907 New Mexico 1912 Arizona 1912 Alaska 1959 Hawaii