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Spiers Supranationalism/Devolution

  • Devolution-United States Idependance

    Devolution-United States Idependance
    The British Empire released the United States because of economic reasons. They could not keep paying for the United States, because they were running out of money. They also wanted the US to be trading parteners with Great Britian.The country created was The United States.
  • Supranational-Triple Entente

    Supranational-Triple Entente
    Type: Political Military
    Countries: France, Great Britain, Russia
    Purpose: To make sure they dont attack each other. Also to make sure Germany wouldnt take over.
  • Supranational-Central Powers

    Supranational-Central Powers
    Type: Political/Military
    Countries: Austria-Hungary, Germany, Ottoman Empire
    Purpose: To fight against the Triple Entente in WWI. This resulted with the dissolution of all of these empires.
  • Devolution-Ireland Independance

    Devolution-Ireland Independance
    Ireland became its own country due to political/military reasons. They gained their independance through The Irish War Of Independance. They made a truce and created a treaty, called the Anglo-Irish Treaty, with Great Britain saying that Ireland is a free state. The country created was Ireland.
  • Supranational-UN

    Countries: US, Russia, Great Britain
    Purpose: To prevent another world war from happening.
  • Supranational-PLO

    Type: Cultural/Political/Military
    Countries: "Palestine"
    Purpose: It was the representation of the Palestinians. The Palestinians did not have a homeland therefore the PLO was formed to get back the land Israel had taken from them.
  • Devolution-Germany after WWII

    Devolution-Germany after WWII
    Germany was put back together because of political reasons. Germany had a wall splitting the West and the East called the Berlin Wall. The wall was broken down to put an end to the communist side of Germany(western). The country that was created was a unified Germany.
  • Devolution-Soviet Union

    Devolution-Soviet Union
    The soviet Union broke up because of economic reasons. The countries broke off because of difference in religion. Another significant reason that led to the dissolution of Soviet Union was the destruction of the Berlin Wall, which resulted from the unification of the west and east parts of Germany. They also broke off because some countries were very rich in resources, and they wanted to keep their resources for themselves. The countries that were created were Russia, Austria-Hungary, Latvia.
  • Supranational-European Union

    Supranational-European Union
    Type: Economic
    Countries: France, Germany, Italy
    Purpose: To create free trade between the European countries. Also to make one common currency for Europe.
  • Devolution-Yugoslavia

    Yugoslavia broke up because of cultural reasons. One was that ethnic violence was was going to errupt in the region of Kosovo. Another was that Slovenia and Croatia wanted more independance, but at the same time Serbia wanted to unite and become the source of power in Yugoslavia. The countries that were created were Montenegro, Slovenia, and Serbia.