Special education timeline

  • No child left behind act

    No child left behind act
    The state has to develop assessments in basic skills to be given to all students in certain grades, if those states are to receive federal funding for schools
  • Idea Reinactment improvement act

    Students must be provided a free appropriate public education to prepare them for the future, further jobs and independent living.
  • Arlington central school district board of education V. Murphy

    The school board must pay for private schooling for students with disabilities.
  • President elects feelings on no child left behind

    President elects feelings on no child left behind
    Alternations are suggested to change the law in order to make it more effective.
  • American with disabilities act

    The ADA revised the definition of "disability" to encompass impairments that limit a major life activity
  • Obama's blueprint for education

    Obama's blueprint for education
    This act prepares students to succeed in college and the workplace and create accountability systems that measure student growth toward meeting that all children graduate and succeed in college
  • More technology

    More technology
    More technology is being used for students to communicate effectivitely in the classroom
  • Technology

    There will be more advanced technology out that can further education and helping those students get around easier
  • Education

    If technology advances within the next couple years, the students with disabilities will be able to go to class with everyone else and have the same learning advantage
  • Advancement

    I think education will be better because there will be greater technology that will be easier to teach the students