
Special Education Law Timeline

  • Brown Vs. Board Of Education

    Brown Vs. Board Of Education
    This was a groundbreaking move when the court unanimously decided that racial segregation of children in schools was not allowed. This meant everyone could go to school together no matter their race.
  • P.A.R.C Vs Commonwealth of Pennslyvania

    P.A.R.C Vs Commonwealth of Pennslyvania
    So before this act when into place the state On Pennsylvania was able to deny students access to public school if they were not at a mental age of 5. The ruling of this court case was that Pennsylvania was not allowed to dent schooling to those with special needs up to the age of 21. Also their education status changed they had to be notified about it before hand.
  • Mills Vs The Board Of Education

    Mills Vs The Board Of Education
    This act had a lot to do with the inclusion of studetns with special needs. The District of Columbia was not allowed to deny these kinds of studetns acceptance to their public schools.they also needed to provide support and had to start meeting the needs of these students in any way.
  • Sector 504

    Sector 504
    This was a section of an act I will touch more on in another part of the timeline. This section of the act stated that schools had to treat children with disabilities the same as students without them. They were not allowed to exclude them from anything weather it be in the class at breaks (recess) or any other activity that had to do with the school.
  • I.D.E.A

    This act made sure that students with disabilities were prepared for the real world such as college, job, housing, and things on that nature. This included disabled people age 3 to 21. I see this playing out in college because certain students were allowed to leave the classroom and go to a different area to test and they were not timed.
  • Americans With Disabilities Act

    Americans With Disabilities Act
    This was enacted to make sure that people with disabilities were treated the same as people without. This act ensured that people with disabilities were not discriminated against when it can to school, employment, transportation, and practically all public areas.
  • Education For All Handicapped Children Act

    Education For All Handicapped Children Act
    this is when things started to get better in my opinion.When this act was approved it meant that all schools who had federal funding had to provide access to education for children with disabilities in the same way they would normal students. these schools also had to evaluate the children and create an education plan that would help the student. I have said in prior writing's I work for headstart and in my classroom alone with have 7 children with iep's and we are a full inclusion classroom.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    This is where IEP's came in to effect. It's funny because all this week my teacher has been in IEP meetings because as you know we have 7 students with them in my class. This pretty much ensures that children with disabilities have their educational needs met and that teachers and administrators build a plan that suits that specific child.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    This seemed like a good idea but then everyone read the fine print. This law was enacted in all of America. It held schools accountable for testing because they wanted every student in the school to be pretty much passing and not only passing but improving. Ow did I mention that there was penalties if the school did not improve, and how were we suppose to have all kids passing with everyone learns at a different rate whether they are a regular student, and esl student or had a disability.