Special Education Curriculum Development

  • France (1656-1800) provided custodial care for people with disabilities and mental illness.

    France provided custodial care for people with disabilities and mental illnesses.
  • "Control the setting, control the mind." (1800-1850)

    The focus of special education in this early era focused on where students will be educated. The segregated setting aimed to provide a curative treatment to meet scientific and social standards.
  • Jean-Marc Itard (1801-1862)

    Itard is noted for his work with deaf-mutes and was one of the first to attempt education students with mental retardation in a systematic way. He developed a five prong strategy that focused on socialization, imitaiton, repitition, sensory input options, and rewards/punishments. Itard is most famous for his work with Victor, a feral child referred to as "Wild Boy of Aveyron."
  • Edouard Seguin

    Seguin was a French physician who workd with children with cognitive disabilities in France and the U.S. Seguin was a student of Itard and worked with Victor, the "Wild Boy of Aveyron." Seguin pioneered modern educational methods for teaching students with severe cognitive disabilities. He focused on touch as sensory input while Itard focused on sight.
  • Enlightenment project -psychiatry in institutionalized settings.

    Psychiatry in institutionalized settings required specialization. These experts wanted to prove biomedical cause for insanity and "idiocy" to legitimize treatment and professionalism.
  • Renewed Pessimism of Special Need Populations

    A renewed pessimism grew and prompted a shift in perspective of special need populations. The view focused less on on mental health and more on protecting the general public by segregation, classification, and other forms of control.
  • First General Compulsory School passed in Massachusetts

  • Nearly 32 states enforced compulsory education laws.

  • Special segregated classes developed.

    Segregated classes for "incorrigables, steamers, industrial" classes and "laggards" were developed. This was the early foundation of ability tracking. It was often based less on actual ability or potential than on racial, ethic, and social clas bias.
  • Ability tracks and segregated programs created.

    Binet's intelligence tests legitimize ablility tracking and segregation. IQ tests become the cornerstone of scientific psychology from 1906. They are used widely in education and in the military during WWI.
  • Progressive era (1890-1925)

    Characterized by urbanization, immigration, intense social conflict, and industrialization. The progressize era sought to apply science methodology to the social world. Education was to reflect the social context of era both in professionalism and curriculum.
  • Committee of Ten appointed by the National Education Association

    The purpose of the Committee of Ten was to establish a standard curriculum. The committee consisted of educators and chaired by Charles Eliot, the president of Harvard University. The recommendations included 8 years of elementary education and 4 years of secondary education. It also defined four different curricula for high school.
  • First Special Education class formed; Providence ,Rhode Island

    The first special education class was formed for"mental defectives."
  • My Pedagogic Creed, by John Dewey

  • John Dewey writes ...

    John Dewey writes The School and Society, and Scientific view of social issues and possible solutions.
  • Indiana Supreme Court opinion for State vs. Bailey

    The opinion stated "the welfare of the child and the best interests of society require that the state shall exert its sovereign authority to secure to the child the opportunity to acquire an education." In other words, school attendance is mandatory.
  • A. Binet's Intelligence test

  • Edward Thorndike

    Thorndike wrote "psychology makes ideas of educational aims clearer."
  • John Franklin Bobbit- books from 1912-1924

    Bobbitt wrote "The Elimination of Waste in Education (1912), The Curriculum (1918), and "How to Make a Curriculum (1924)
  • The Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education

    The commission onf the Reorganization o Secondary Education was instrumental in starting a standard of forming goals before reforming schools.
  • School system of 133 schools provided special education classes

    Over 23,000 students attended special education classes in the 133 school system. The students primarily consisted of immigrants and "working class boys" in separate classrooms. Special education labeling is strongly linked with racial, ethic, and social class prejudices.
  • Buck vs. Bell

    U.S. Supreme ruling upheld statute instituting compulsory sterilization of the unfit, including those with mental retardation.
  • Ralph W. Tyler writes "Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction

  • Benjamin Bloom writes Taxonomy of Educational Objectives

    Bloom and six other psychologists identify six levels within the cognitive domain. The six levels are referenced today as Bloom's Taxonomy.
  • Fair Housing Act

    Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in all types of housing transactions.
  • Fenwick W. English; "Curriculum Mapping

  • Rehabilitation Act of 1973

    The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 supports and promotes the rights of people with disabilities in major life activities. The act was reauthorized in 2004.
  • IDEA

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act passed.
  • IDEA fully implemented

    First passed in 1975 as the Education of All Handicapped Children Act. Legislation required all students with disabilities up to age 21 with a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive enviroment and with accommodations.
  • Howard Gardner writes Frames of Mind: the theory of multiple intelligences

  • National Council on Education Standards and Testing

    NCEST was established.
  • Goals 2000: Educate America Act

    President Bill Clinton signed Act which created a special council to certify national and state content and performance standards, opportunity to learn standards, and state assessments.
  • Heidi Hayes Jacobs; Curriculum Mapping

  • Carol Ann Tomilinson

    The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    All students with disabilities in the U.S. are subject to the same high academic standards as their peers without disabiliites. Federal funds are tied to students meeting the standards.
  • IDEA 2004