
South Australian Colonisation (important dates)

By embem3
  • First europeans went.

    The first europeans set foot in South Australia 164 years earlier than Captain James Cook.
    The exact date is uncertain.
  • First sighting of South Australia

    Date Uncertain.
    South Australia was seen from a european ship, 'The Gulden Zeepaard' by the captain and by the East Indies Councillor.
  • James cook landed in Australia

    Suprisingly enough Captain James Cook was not the first person to land in Australia. His boat the 'Endevaour' then got caught in the Great Barrier Reef which slowed them dwn about two weeks and caused some damage to the boat.
  • Colonel William Light was born

    Colonel william Light was born, Colonel William Light died on th 6th of October 1839. He was the first surveyor-General of South Australia. He chose the site for the colony's capital, Adelaide and he chose the layout of streets and parklands.
  • Smallpox

    2nd smallpox expedemic reached South Australia and was there till early 1830s
  • Scetch of a proposal for colonizing Australia

  • Explain Plan of Colony

    There was a meeting at Exter hall to explain the plan of the colony of south Austalia.
  • people visit chosen capital

    uncertain date.
    John Hindmarsh and Colonel William Light visit their chosen capital.
  • Official colony opening

    This was the official opening of South Australia and was the year when the first boats went.
  • School for Aboriginals opened.

    Date Uncertain.
  • Adelaide chamber of commerce founded

    Date uncertain.
  • Light died of terburculosis

    Colonel William Light died of Turberculosis.
  • Adelaide hospital founded.

  • Population 17366 excluding aboriginals

    Date Uncertain.
  • Irish Potato Famine.

  • Savings Bank of SA opened.

    Date Uncertain
  • Education Board Established

    Date Uncertain.
  • First Parliment Elections

    Date Uncertain