South Africa Imperialism

  • Great Trek

    Great Trek
    When the British took over, many African citizens moved north and east.
  • Cecil Rhodes

    He was a British man who controlled South African diamond production.
  • Livingstone in Africa

    Livingstone in Africa
    Livingstone allowed for people to move to the interior of Africa. Because he was able to do this, new discoveries were found including gold and diamonds.
  • Berlin Conference

    Berlin Conference
    The Berlin Conference was the meeting where rulers from countries, who wanted African, land met and discussed the rules for gaining territory. African leaders were not there because they would not have approved of this idea.
  • Boer War

    Boer War
    Outsiders from Europe were coming into South Africa after gold had just been discovered. The Boers in South Africa wanted to ensure that these intruders did not try to gain political rights, so they started a war. Britain won.
  • Treaty of Vereeniging

    Treaty of Vereeniging
    This treaty ended the Boer War. It stated that the British had won and land could only be granted to the South African natives if the government allowed it.
  • South Africa Act of 1909

    South Africa Act of 1909
    This Act unified the colonies of the Cape Colony, Natal, Transvaal, and Orange River. This established the union of South Africa.