Sophia Magruder Acts Timeline

  • Navigation Acts of the 1650's

    Navigation Acts of the 1650's
    The navigation act 1650's was when England made a law that all good profit coming from the colonies, went to them. At first the colonies liked it, because they were getting paid for it. But then they got mad because they wanted to sell their own goods. So they could parise the prices, or whatever they wanted to do.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The proclamation of 1763 is when the British set a temporary boundry line at the Appalation mountains. It was suposed to seperate the British and the Indians. The people were angry because they had already won the war, and had bought land on the other side.
  • Stamp Act

    The stamp act was when Brittan taxed the colonies for all printed material. So all books, and news paper, wills, and playing cards were taxed. And the colonists didnt like it.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    The British lower tax on impoted molasses. So the people would actually pay the lower taxes, insted of not paying the higher taxes. But the colonists didnt like this. They were angry because Brittan "violated, or interfiered'' with their rights.
  • Declatory Act

    This was a law that parliament pased, saying they had the right to tax and make decisions for the British colonies.
  • Townshed Acts

    When the British taxed more things, glass, tea, paper and more. This angered the colonists even more. So they started boycotts, and started producing their own clothing, and making their own food.
  • Tea Act

    When the British East Indian Company's tea trade messed up, parliament passed the Tea Act. This was when parliament controled all tea trade going to the colonies. This really made the colonists mad. So ships that came with tea, they forced to turn around, and not let them dock. And then acted like Indians and hi-hacked the British boats, and threw the tea overboard.
  • Qubec Acts

    The BRitish gave Qubec land, West of the Appalation Moutains, and North of the Ohio River. This ignored all the colonial claims, and made the colonists make their own laws, called the Intolerable Acts.
  • Coercive Acts

    This is when the British closed the harbor dowm, and made the colonists pay for the tea they ruined. They also banned any town meetings, and forced people in Boston to quarter soldiers in their home. And in resoponse the colonists said Britan violated their rights as english citizens.