Slavery & the Evets leading up to the Civil War

  • missouri compromise

    In 1820 north , south purposes in th senite a balance between slave and free states . but by acepting main as a free state there is one to many free states so the 36 30 parallel line was established free to the north slave to the south this continued a balance.
  • william still

    william stillwas who he is. he worked in philidolphia anti slavery society offices he kept comprehensive record of slave and undergrounrailroad. Agent in the undergroundrailroad destroyed there paper work he published his records which include numerous letters from thommas garet.He stil found himself aiding a fugitive who they both came to learn about was one of his long lost brother peter still.
  • Nat turners Rebellion

    in virginia in 1831 Nat turner and 60 wanted to opose slavery but they killed plantation owners so the southern whites killed many slaves and passed black codes or laws further limiting slaves freedom
  • Underground Railroad

    Theunderground is about code. Abolishiniststationmaster an conductor and runaways were envolved.t started and endedin I1830till 1860. On a under ground passage in the south they are leaving from the south to the free states up north . The ur exist becuase abolishonist and conductors were keeping it going.
  • Dred scott case

    Dred scott was born a slave in 1799. His owners lived in missouri in 1830 they moved to saint louis and then dred had got sold for his first time to a army doctor.Any way dred scott was a man that fought for his freedom and didnt get it .as soon as dred got told no for his third time in trying he died
  • compromise of 1850

    in 1850 henry clay wanted the south to stay in the union but the free state would outlaw the slave states in the senite so the compromise of 1850 was passed calli was allowed to be a free state but voeters in the new teritories would decide if they would be slaves or free fugitive slave act required people to catch and return runaway slaves slave trade was not allowed in washington dc
  • kansas nebraska act

    It alowed people in kansa and nebraska if they wanted to be free or slave state.Stephen douglas came up with the kansas nebraska act.1854 was when it he could gain southern votes.It exist so people in kansas or nebraska could coose to be a free state or slave state.
  • election of 1860

    Presidental elction that has three political parties. Stphen douglas, abraham lincoln, john bell, and john breckinbridge are the people involved. This election was in 1860. They are leaving from there home to states to get elected. The election exist so we can have a president.They went out to different state and who got more elections became president.