Slavery & The Events Leading Up To The Civil War

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    Underground Railroad

    The Underground Railroad was used for slaves to escape from the south where there was slavery to the north where there wasn't slavery. Many slaves escaped and many slaves were caught. But there was many clues to help them get north and there was even people that helped the slaves get up north by hiding them in their houses or boat and helping them get up through the swamps and rivers and any major obstacles. Isaac T. Hopper was a Quaker and began the UGR to hide and aid runaway slaves.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise was an argument on whether or not they would let Missouri be a slave state or make it be a free state. Missouri already had slaves in the state and didn’t want to get rid of them so the Union made Missouri a slave state. The Union said that any other states above the 36* 30* line.
  • Nat Turner Rebellion

    Nat Turner Rebellion
    Nat Turner's rebellion was a rebellion against almost all of the slave owners in Virginia. In the end Turner had killed atleast 60 plantation owners and their families. But why did Turner do this you ask? He did it because he was black and was a slave. He was a slave and thought that slaves should be free. Turner led 60 to 70 slaves to plantation farms to help kill the plantation owners and the families of the owners.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    During the Compromise of 1850 the Fugative Slave Act was passed saying any runaway slave caught or seen in the north must be returned to their owners and if they didnt and were caught the people helping the slaves could get a fine or jail time. During all this Texas lost the boundry dispute with Mexico. So the north gave Texas $10million. California was admitted into the Union as a free state.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    The Kansas-Nebraska Act was a bill that ended up becoming a law. Stephen Douglas introduced the Kansas Nebraska Act. This Act was passed to see whether or not Kansas and Nebraska be free or a slave state. Another reason was to get rid of the 36* 30* line.
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    Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas it the timespan between 1854-58 when there was a lot of conflict on whether or not Kansas should be a free or slave state. There was many conflicts that were super bad that went on during this timespan.
  • Dred Scott Case #2

    Dred Scott Case #2
    Then in 1857 there was a case of Scott vs. Sanford was to decide wthether Dred was even a citezen of Missouri. Scott had lost the battle.
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    The Dred Scott Case was about Scott being a slave and he sues for his freedom instead of runaway. Dred was a slave for a few families. His first was the Blow family. Then after many years of surving the Blow family Dred was sold to an army surgen and worked for him for 12 years. Then is 1842 both Scott and his master moved back to Missouri, and the next year the doctor died and the widow hired Dred and his family to work for other people. After a couple years Dred sued for his freedom and won.
  • Abolitionist--- John Brown

    Abolitionist--- John Brown
    The work sheet said that, "John Brown led 21 men on a raid of the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry." Brown was antislavery. Brown was born in 1800 and his family was deeply religous and he lived in Torrington, Connecticut for most of his life.
  • Presidential Election of 1860

    Presidential Election of 1860
    The Presidential Election of 1860 there was 4 canidates that were running for president. Breckinridge was Democratic. Douglas was Democratic. Lincoln was Republican and Bell was Constitutional. When there was a really high possibility of Lincoln being president most of the southern states rebelled or left the Union. In the end Lincoln ended up becoming president.
  • Attack on Fort Sumter

    Attack on Fort Sumter
    The fort was located inbetween Confederate forts and gun battery. When the fort tried to get supplies from the Union ships the fort was bumbarded by firing and finally surrendered. Confederate win.