Slavery & the Events Leading up to the Civil War

  • missouri comproise

    missouri comproise
    should slavery be allowed be in the new stated the chilled allready amit and deny state hood. the usa was a tall state
    ament passed in the hose was senate. the issue relbeloin as and
    passed in the house tweleve of each addment
  • nat turners rebellion

    nat turners rebellion
    nat tuner was very intelligent and very religious young man.
    he also became somthing of a mystery someone who climed
    as an adult there were many questions to remain abot nat turner
    his family members were killed
  • the underground railroad

    the underground railroad
    the underground railroad was were slaves could run away from
    there slave owners at night. any slaves were that wanted to run away. slaves are starting at were ever there slave owners house is
    and they end in candna.
  • compromise of 1850

    compromise of 1850
    henry clay was a huge part of this comprise the north wanted to
    be free between the north and the south this is when they passed the futive slave law
  • the kansas nebraska act

    the kansas nebraska act
    the kansas nebraska act was passed by the us. this compromise
    had a nickname it was know as the death toll rose. as a result
    congress did not reconize pro slavery settelers and kansas was
    not alowd to be a state.
  • the presedentail election 0f 1860

    the presedentail election 0f 1860
    the political party was abraham linclon stephen d was a rebulcan so a s you can see there many diffrences between theese partys
  • the attack on fort sumter

    the attack on fort sumter
    fort sumper was a fort on a island next to the caliston river and
    it its very big and protetive like all forts somtimes they will shoot from it but mostly were the solgers rest and eat and it is a protector.
  • Steven Dougouls

    Steven Dougouls
    IN 1854 of may 30 steven dougouls wanted the right weather to be free states or weather to be slaved states. but the comprimise
    was estabished so the 36:30 line had came into the act. the 36:30 line was a free state north of the 3630 line was a slved state. also the settelers in the south. this is were john brown became a free man. this man went down soth to fight in the kansas newbraska act aka bleeding kansas. this war was the bigest war in this time. also 3 months latter. kansas had made pice
  • dred scott case

    dred scott case
    Dred scott in virignia 1799 was a slave man. dred scott in his case would not let the first aspect of yet he also would be free man in 1857 dred scot case wanted the supreme cort to free him but they would not allow that but in 1857 mrs emerson gave the scotts another chase and they had reseverd the fredom but 3 years after the reserved the fredom dred died but luckoley there family was sitill free.