Slavery and the Events Leading up to the Civil War

  • The Underground Railroad

    Isaac T. Hopper, a Quaker, began a system for hiding and aiding runaway slaves in 1787. This is what started the Underground Railroad. March 20th is the first day of spring, and spring was the safest time to of the year to escape, therefore March 20, 1787 will be the start date. The end date, December 6, 1865 was when the 13th Amendment ending slavery was passed, thus ending the need to escape on the Underground Railroad. Then UGRR was to help slaves to get to freedom or them and the whites tha
  • Nat Turner Rebellion

    Nat Turner RebellionNat Turner was a intelligent person but most thought he was crazy. Nat turner said that he heard voices in his head and started killing whites with 60 other slaves and killed over 60 plantions with families.response to the RebellionWhites sent 3000 troops to get Nat Turner and send him to jail. Then he got to jail then court the hanged and killed. Then all the other slaves that were with him also got killed even the ones that didn’t do anything. The whites started to make
  • The Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise Its about the North and the South wanting things. Like the South wanted to be a free state and the North wanted to be a slave state. Then that involves the 36,30 line and stuff like that so its about slave states and free states.
  • Harriet Thubman

    She was born a slave in Maryland around 1820 and also she was a house slave and got married to a white guy and had kids with him so her kids would be free like she would one day by her husband buying there freedom and he never did so she ran away and he sold her kids to her grandmother so her kids would be free and stuff so she went starving and all that just for her kids to be free.
  • compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850This is when the Fugitive Slave act was started so now more slaves started running away to canada because that’s the only place were that law doesn’t allow whites to take slaves or any other black away and make them into a slave .
  • Kansas-Nebraska act

    Kansas and Nebraska became free states because of that new law and also because of that one guy named David Douglas because he wanted more votes from both sides to become president and stuff like that but the north didn’t like it or something like that.