
  • Period: to


  • Promoting political empowerment: Evaluation of an intervention with university students

    Angelique, H.L., T.M. Reischl, y W.S. Davidson II
  • Toward a workplace pedagogy: Guidance, participation, and engagement

    1. Billett, S.
  • «Coalition building, election rules, and party politics: South African women’s path to parliament»

    1. Britton, H.E.
  • «Leadership Opportunities with Communities, the Medically Underserved, and Special Populations (LOCUS).»

    24.Haq, C., M. Grosch, y D. Carufel-Wert.
  • «How good is the South African media for democracy? Mapping the South African public sphere after apartheid»

    29.Jacobs, S.
  • «Voters, parties, and the endogenous size of government»

    32.Olters, J.-P.
  • «Kamuzu’s Mbumba: Malawi women’s embeddedness to culture in the face of international political pressure and internal legal change»

    44.Semu, L.
  • «Breathing new life into treaties: History, politics, the law, and aboriginal grievances in Canada’s maritime provinces»

    11.Coates, K.
  • «Towards more inclusive long-term bulk water resource management»

    12.De Lange, W.J., y T.E. Kleynhans.
  • «The Roman marble sculptures from the North Hall of the East Baths at Gerasa»

    19.Friedland, E.A.
  • «The politics of plunder: The rhetorics of order and disorder in southern Nigeria».

    21.Gore, C., y D. Pratten.
  • «Impartial judgment by the “gatekeepers” of science: fallibility and accountability in the peer review process.»

    26.Hojat, M., J.S. Gonnella, y A.S. Caelleigh.
  • «Crop insurance in a political economy: An alternative perspective on agricultural policy».

    28.Innes, R.
  • «Democratizing security or decentralizing repression? The ambiguities of community policing in Kenya».

    40.Ruteere, M., y M.-E. Pommerolle.
  • «The travails of democratization in Cameroon in the context of political liberalisation since the 1990s»

    18.Fonchingong, C.C.
  • «Adult civic education through the national issues forums: Developing democratic habits and dispositions through public deliberation»

    20.Gastil, J.
  • «Femmes et parlement au mali»

    42.Sanankoua, B.
  • «Exploring protest participation in India: Evidence from the 1996 world values survey».

    45.Spehr, S., y N. Dutt.
  • Globalization, marginalization and contemporary social movements in South Africa

    1. Ballard, R., A. Habib, I. Valodia, y E. Zuern
  • «The impact of social environments on the effectiveness of youth HIV prevention: A South African case study»

    1. Campbell, C., C.A. Foulis, S. Maimane, y Z. Sibiya.
  • «Remodeling the transnational political realm: Partnerships, best-practice schemes, and the digitalization of governance».

    23.Hansen, H.K., y D. Salskov-Iversen.
  • «What the future may bring: Xenophobia among Swedish adolescents».

    25.Hjerm, M.
  • «The role of capital flight and remittances in current account sustainability in Sub-Saharan Africa»

    41.Salisu, M.
  • «Democratic school climate and sense of community in school: A multilevel analysis».

    48.Vieno, A., D.D. Perkins, T.M. Smith, y M. Santinello.
  • Race, identity and citizenship in Black Africa: The case of the Lebanese in Ghana

    Akyeampong, E.K.
  • Populations pauvres et citoyenneté démocratique en Afrique

    1. Bratton, M.
  • «News, political knowledge and participation: The differential effects of news media exposure on political knowledge and participation»

    13.De Vreese, C.H., y H. Boomgaarden.
  • «Managing Montana’s trust land old-growth forests: Practical challenges in implementing scientific policy»

    31.Mortimer, M.J., y S.D. McLeod.
  • «Assessing democratic consolidation in central and eastern Europe: The European dimension».

    35.Pridham, G.
  • «Introduction thématique: Gouvernance et démocratie en Afrique: La population a son mot à dire».

    36.Razafindrakoto, M., F. Roubaud, y L. Wantchekon.
  • «Les quartiers pauvres contre la démocratie? Le cas d’Antananarivo, Madagascar».

    38.Roubaud, F., y J.-M. Wachsberger.
  • «Sport and social capital».

    43.Seippel, O.
  • «Making a living in the postsocialist periphery: Struggles between farmers and traders in Konso, Ethiopia».

    49.Watson, E.E.
  • «Achieving high quality, comparable financial reporting: A review of independent enforcement bodies in Australia and the United Kingdom»

    1. Brown, P., y A. Tarca. .
  • «Building contexts that support effective community responses to HIV/AIDS: A South African case study».

    1. Campbell, C., Y. Nair, y S. Maimane.
  • «Citizens’ local political participation in the Czech Republic: Rural-urban comparison»

    10.Čmejrek, J.
  • «The political economy of public goods: Why economists should care»

    14.Doering, O.C.
  • «Effects of immigrant parents’ participation in society on their children’s school performance»

    15.riessen, G., y F. Smit.
  • «Why compulsory voting can enhance democracy»

    16.Engelen, B.
  • «Identifying best practices in civic education: Lessons from the student voices program»

    17.Feldman, L., J. Pasek, D. Romer, y K.H. Jamieson.
  • «More than nature»

    22.Gosine, A.
  • «Does social participation by the elderly reduce mortality and cognitive impairment?».

    27.Hsu, H.C.
  • «Introduction: Youth activism as a context for learning and development».

    30.Kirshner, B.
  • «Impact of a multimodal rehabilitative intervention on demented patients and their caregivers».

    33.Onor, M.L., M. Trevisiol, C. Negro, S. Alessandra, M. Saina, y E. Aguglia.
  • «Service learning and civic engagement».

    34.Prentice, M.
  • «Geographical distribution and regional differentiation of female talents in modern and contemporary China»

    37.Ren, Q., H. Zhu, y P. Li.
  • «Citizen culture, fear of crime and victimization: An analysis of the interaction of these dimensions from the social network perspective».

    39.Ruiz Pérez, J.I.
  • «Toward vernacular democracy: Moral society and post-postcolonial transformation in rural Orissa, India».

    46.Tanabe, A.
  • «Social identity and culture change on the Southern Northwest Coast».

    47.Tveskov, M.A.
  • «Polio vaccines - “no thank you!” barriers to polio eradication in Northern Nigeria».

    50.Yahya, M.