
  • Sep 21, 1452

    Birth of Girolamo Savonaola

  • Apr 14, 1490

    Savonarola returns to city

    Not sure of date
  • Apr 14, 1492

    Savonarola predicts Charles VIII will take over the city

  • Sep 14, 1494

    Charles VIII of France invaded Italy

    Florence invaded and the Medic's are no longer in power. Savonarola now controlling Florence
    *won't let us leave the day date as blank
  • Apr 14, 1495

    Vatican summoned Savonarola but he manages to decline due to "illnes"

    *not actual month and day but program won't let us leave it blank
  • Feb 7, 1497

    Bonfire of the Vanities

    Savonarola's supporters led by Savonarola create a bonfire in the town square and burn artefacts that are not realted to God and express too much wealth. Objects such as; books, art, jewlwery and cosmetics were burned as a symbol of the sin of wealth that they represent.
  • May 12, 1497

    Pope excommunicates Saconarola and tratens to place Florence under an interdict

    *not actual day and month
  • Apr 7, 1498

    Savonarola imprisioned

    Savonarola's conection with God is tested by a trail of him walking through fire. On the day, just before the test is about to start it suddenly starts raining. This halts the proceedings and Savonarola is blamed for interferring and is imprisoned along with two fellow friars.
    Savonarola is torutured and eventually confesses to making up prophecies.
    *not actual day date
  • May 23, 1498

    Savonarola's DEATH

    Savonarola hanged and then burned