
Sarah's Life Timeline

  • Born

    I was born in LaGrande Oregon.
    My parents lived in a trailor at the time and my brother was 1 year old. They turned the bathtub into his bed because there wasn't room for both of us.
  • Moved to Covolo California

    Moved to Covolo California
    Dad was a youth pastor at a church and was working for free.
  • Moved back to Bend Oregon

  • Uncle Tony Died

    Uncle Tony Died
    He died 5 days before his 17th birthday. We were very close and I was devestated.
  • Moved to Newport Oregon

    Moved to Newport Oregon
  • Started First Grade

    Started First Grade
    Our school mascot was the Dolphins- which is funny because there aren't dolphins on the Oregon coast.
  • Moved to Gresham Oregon

    Moved to Gresham Oregon
    I hate it there!!! I went to a private school with mean rich kids who were mean to me because my family was poor.
  • Moved back to Bend- Started Homeschooling

    Moved back to Bend- Started Homeschooling
    After my terrible school experience in Gresham, I choose not to go back to public school until college.
  • Parents Divorced- Moved to Seattle with my Mom

    Parents Divorced- Moved to Seattle with my Mom
  • Got Sent back to Oregon

    Got Sent back to Oregon
    My mom made me go live my Aunt and Uncle against my will.
  • Little Sister was born

    Little Sister was born
  • First Date with my Husband

    First Date with my Husband
  • Started College

    Started College
  • Got Married

    Got Married
  • Graduate With Master's Degree

    Graduate With Master's Degree
  • Moved to Aptos California

    Moved to Aptos California
  • Got First Teaching Job

    Got First Teaching Job
    My first post-grad teaching position was right here at Success Academy and Watsonville Community School.
  • Today

    Nothing exciting has happened in a long time!!!