Education of Sarah Bregman

  • Elementary School

    Elementary School
    Children's Community School K-2nd (Private School) Oak Hills Elementary School 3rd-5th (Public School)
    Oak Hills Elementary School was predominately white and middle class. My friends were white and lived in the neighborhood. Parents were involved in their children's life and the parent engagement was a big part of the school day. Most students did not attend the after school program that was offered. Even though an after school program was offered families have to pay for their child to attend.
  • Middle School

    Middle School
    I went to Medea Creek Middle School for 6th - 8th grade. All of the children from my elementary school and two other elementary schools in the district attended Medea Creek Middle School so the population of students was the same that I had experienced in elementary school. In 6th grade I took a Spanish class. Although Spanish was offered it was not required for students to take a language and many did not.
  • High School

    High School
    I went to Oak Park High School for 9th - 12th grade. There became more diversity in the student body but not much. I remember there being a few Asians, African Americans and Indians. The major class divider was who was a resident of Oak Park verse who came to Oak Park High School based on district of choice. The Oak Park residents were thought of to be higher class than the out of district students. In high school students were required to take a language (Spanish, french or ASL).
  • College

    Sonoma State is a lot more diverse in cultures and ethnicity than I had ever experienced before in my schools. Sonoma State offers resources for students of different cultures and makes it known that they accept everyone. At Sonoma State I could feel the difference in class that each student had. Coming to college as a freshman and rooming with random students allowed me to get a perspective of people in other classes than mine as well as rooming with two students of different ethnicities.