Same-sex marriage in Australia

  • Period: to

    anti-gay legal

    Australia’s former prime minister John Winston Howard strongly opposed homosexuality during his administration.
  • Prime Minister tony Abbott opposes homosexuality

    the Australian Capital Council stated that it is legal, but the Prime Minister Tony Abbott strongly opposes it.
  • Australia has fallen into a dispute over the legality of marriage

    The High Court of Australia ruled that same-sex marriage should be decided by the National Assembly, and that 27 of the local courts' marriages with same-sex couples were all illegal.
  • Fight between the two factions

    In the post-election parliament, under the leadership of the new prime minister, more members expressed their support for homosexuality, but Tasmania’s two submissions of relevant proposals were rejected by the House of Representatives.
  • Australian referendum announced

    61.1% of Australian citizens expressed support for the legalization of gay marriage.
  • Australian senator vote announced

    Australian Senators have 43 votes to support and 12 votes against
  • Successfully solve the problem

    The legalization of gay marriage took effect
  • Gay marriage begins

    The domestic same-sex marriage officially legally recognized by the Commonwealth of Australia was implemented on January 19, 2018.