• Saturday, October 8th, 2011

    José Bretón dennounces at 18.40 p.m. to the Police Ruth's and José's missing. According to his version, he lost sight of them for a while in Cruz Conde Park, in Córdoba. They spent several hours in the land Las Quemadillas, where the call to the Police were made from -not from the park. The cameras of the park record José Bretón alone.
  • Sunday, October 9th, 2011

    Ruth Ortiz sues her husband for abuses and mistreatment. However, they stand up for Bretón's innocence.
  • Monday, October 10th, 2011

    The Police investigates the land Las Quemadillas, in where they pay attention to the amount of brand new toys, and the Guadalquivir river, without success.
  • Tuesday, October 18th, 2011

    José Bretón is arrested because of contradictions and blanks in his declaration of the facts. Three days after, he goes to prison for unlawful detention and crime simulation.
  • Friday, October 21th, 2011

    Bretón recreates the missing situation in the park with the Police. His lawyer asks for a medical study to justify Bretón's bipolarity.
  • Friday, November 4th, 2011

    A new search in Las Quemadillas is being held. There's no trace of anything or anyone. From here on, demonstrations will be held on public places.
  • Wednesday, December 14th, 2011

    Again, there have been searches on the river, Las Quemadillas and the park. Nothing. The Judge José Luis Rodríguez Laín, orders to activate the International Search Code through the Interpol.
  • Tuesday, January 3th, 2012

    Ruth Ortiz goes to the prison to talk to his husband "voluntarly and freely". Again, the investigation surrounding the river and the land is carried out.
  • Wednesday, January 25th, 2012

    The medical examinations confirm that Bretón doesn't have any psychological problem.
  • Thursday, February 23th, 2012

    The maternal family changes its version about Bretón and see him as the main responsible. They ask for justice and assure that if he gets free "he would go away with the kids".
  • Sunday, April 8th, 2012

    The kids are missed for six months. There's no clues about their whereabouts.
  • Friday, April 20th, 2012

    The Judge lifts the sub iudice state.