Flag of russia.svg


  • Birth of the U.S.

    Birth of the U.S.
    Columbia found U.S. He thought that there was only one land. He sailed across the sea. He thought it was just Circled around. So, he sailed back.
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    Russia and ye U.S got in to a war. Although they never bombed each other. They talk fought the who time. Though both thought that they were going to bomb. They are friends now. Sources Mrs.McIntyre
  • The Fight Over Kosovo

    The Fight Over Kosovo
    The US and Russia fight over how to tell with Kosovo. They were using nuclear weapons. Then trying to give it to Iran. They were working with each other to solve the issue. They did solve too. Sources https://www.thoughtco.com/united-states-japan-relationship-33102
  • Birth of Country

    Birth of Country
    Russia was found in December 25, 1991 by Vikings and Slavs. Russia is in Asia They came through Russia for trade routes.They camewby boat. Source http://users.mildura.net.au/users/leigh/vikrusia.htm https://1000petals.wordpress.com/2008/08/31/who-founded-russia-history-vikings/
  • Space Program

    Space Program
    There positive events in the US and Russia relationship in the space program. They are good about working out there issues with each other. They been working with each other for more space plans. That means there will be more people on the moon. And, now many more places in space in the future. Sources http://www.russia-direct.org/analysis/top-10-most-significant-events-russia-us-relations-2014
  • Are the U.S. and Russia Allys or Enemys?

    Are the U.S. and Russia Allys or Enemys?
    They recently was arguing. Though they now are Ally's. They still have there up and downs. But, everyone fight sometimes. I think they well forever be ally's. Sources https://www.thoughtco.com/united-states-japan-relationship-3310278
  • Vocab.

    Himalayas is the chain of mountains North of the Indian. Czar is another name for a king most notably in Russia. Isolationism a policy by which a country cuts itself off from the outside world. Embargo means cant trade.
  • The Air Attack

    The Air Attack
    The US bomb Russia's ally. Which is Syria. They used chemical weapons. They would not stop so they destroyed them.