
  • Birth

    Theodore Roosevelt Jr. born on October 27, 1858 in New York City
  • Assassination of President McKinley

    Assassination of President McKinley
    President William McKinley was assassinated leaving Vice President Teddy Roosevelt next in line for President. He was the 26th President of the US.
  • Coal Strike

    Coal Strike
    Miners left work demanding higher pay and 8 hour work days. They were supported by Roosevelt and went back to work in October after they won 10% more pay and 9 hour days.
  • Pelican Island

    Pelican Island
    Was named the National Wildlife Refuge by Roosevelt. The island kept birds from extinction during bird hunting.
  • Elkins Act

    Elkins Act
    Signed by Roosevelt in 1903. The act made it illegal to impose rebates for customers.
  • Wins Presidency

    Wins Presidency
    Roosevelt wins election against Democratic candidate Alton Parker.
  • Devils Tower

    Devils Tower
    Named first monument after Roosevelt signed act that allowed land to be claimed historical.
  • Passage of Pure Food and Drug Act

    Passage of Pure Food and Drug Act
    Passed to protect people from food or medicine mixed with harmful substances. Inspections began
  • Yosemite

    When Roosevelt passed the Antiquities Act the Yosemite was turned into federal land
  • Visits Africa

    Visits Africa
    Travels to Africa for hunting. Brings back thousands of animal specimens.
  • Bull-Moose Party

    Bull-Moose Party
    Roosevelt creates the party after losing the Republican election, it was considered a third party. The goal was for progressive reforms