Romeo and Juliet Timeline

  • Biting of the thumb

    Biting of the thumb
    Sampson bit his thumb at Balthasar and Abraham.
  • The Fight

    The Fight
    Smapson gets in a fight with Balthasar and Abraham. The prince comes to stop the fight and tells them the next person who fights in the streets will be killed.
  • Benvolio talks to Romeo

    Benvolio talks to Romeo
    Benvolio talks to Romeo about Rosaline, and tells him to go to the Capulet's party.
  • Lord Capulet throws a Party

    Lord Capulet throws a Party
    Lord Capulet throws a party to get Paris and Juliet to fall in love.
  • Tybalt Sees Romeo

    Tybalt Sees Romeo
    Tybalt sees Romeo at the Capulet's party, and he wants to fight him. Lord Capulet stops Tybalt.
  • Romeo and Juliet Fall in Love

    Romeo and Juliet Fall in Love
    Romeo seees Juliet and goes to talk to her. They fall in love and kiss.
  • Finding Identities

    Finding Identities
    The Nurse helps Romeo and Juliet find out each others identities.
  • Balcony Scene

    Balcony Scene
    Romeo and juliet meet at the balcony and deciede to get married tomorrow.
  • Period: to

    Romeo and Juliet

  • Romeo talks to Friar Lawrence

    Romeo talks to Friar Lawrence
    Romeo talks to Friar Lawernce about the wedding. Friar Lawrence agrees to marry them in hopes of stoping their family fued.
  • The Wedding

    The Wedding
    Friar Lawrence marries Romeo and Juliet.
  • The Fight

    The Fight
    Tybalt kills Mercutio becuase Mercutio challenged him. romeo kills Tybalt out of raging emotions.
  • Exile

    The Prince decides to banish Romeo from Verona.
  • Juliet gets the News

    Juliet gets the News
    The Nurse informs Juliet about Tyblat's death and Romeo's banishment.
  • Marrying Paris

    Marrying Paris
    Lord Capulet says that Juliet has to marry Paris or she will be shunned.
  • Juliet's Death

    Juliet's Death
    Juliet fakes her death and the family throws a funeral for her.
  • Romeo hears Juliet is Dead

    Romeo hears Juliet is Dead
    Romeo hears that Juliet is dead, and he goes out to buy poison from the apothcary. He plans to kill himself at Juliets grave.
  • Paris's and Romeo's Fight

    Paris's and Romeo's Fight
    Paris sees Romeo at Juliet's grave and they fight. Romeo kills Paris.
  • Romeo's Death

    Romeo's Death
    Romeo takes the poison and kills himself beside Juliet.
  • Friar Lawernce Comes

    Friar Lawernce Comes
    Friar Lawernce comes when Juliet wakes up. He tells her to leave, but she refuses, so he leaves.
  • Juliet's Death

    Juliet's Death
    Juliet hears someone, and she kills herself.
  • Famlies see the Death

    Famlies see the Death
    The famlies come to the grave and the Friar explains the situation.
  • The Families Stop Fighting

    The Families Stop Fighting
    The families get over their fights and make gold statues of Romeo and Juliet.