Rome and Carthage

  • 264

    First Punic War

    264-241 BC Mamertines came into Sicily and raided Messana, gaining control of the North East and allowing them to plunder surrounding areas. Heiro of Syracuse laid seige to them, and the Mamertines were forced to call for help. The Carthaginians teamed up with Syracuse and Rome with the Mamertines to check Carthage's power. Rome won. Rome destroyed Carthage's naval power, creating animosity.
  • Second Punic War

    218- 202 BC After the First Punic War, Carthage decided to gain control of Spain. This campaign was lead by Hamilcar and Hannibal. Carthage lost again because Carthage failed to send resourses and reinforcements to Hannibal. Then Rome attacked Carthage and Hannibal was forced to return and defend it. Rome again defeated Carthage, stripping it of all its glory. Carthage was thus controlled by Rome with an iron hand.
  • Third Punic War

    149-146 BC Carthage was continually being plundered by neighboring tribes who knew the Carthagians couldn't cross Roman laid borders. Carthage was fed up and took up arms against the intruders. Rome was jealous of Carthage's growing wealth and trade. With Cato's slogan "Carthago delenda est" and Carthage's violation of their treaty, Rome invaded. Rome, leveled the walls, set fire to the city, sold the citizens into slavery, and salted the land. This ended Carthage and its conflicts with Rome.
  • Etruscan Alliance of Carthage and Peace Treaty

    509 BC This treaty split power between Rome and Carthage. The Carthaginians allied themselves with the Eturscans, who happened to be fighting the Romans, thus pitting the two powers against one another. From this treaty, Carthage gained Sicily, Sardinia and Emporia. Rome had already set up similar treaties with other lands so this treaty was not too big of a deal for them. This evened out power among the two super cities.
  • Treaty over Sicily

    348 BC After the Second Sicilian War, Rome and Carthage signed a treaty allowing Romans to trade in Sicily, but not settle and to hand over any settlements to Carthage. In return, Carthage returned captured cities in Latium. This treaty let both sides gain and lose.