Roman empire

  • 100

    Ceasar was born

    This is BC.
  • 100

    The city of Roma throws out all non-roman, non-slave people

    This is 98 BC. Only the year, not the month and day, is specific. It was actually two years before this.
  • 100

    Roma gets a coin for currency

    This 50 BC. Only the year is specific.
  • 100

    Ceasar becomes first dictator

    This 45 BC. ONly the year specific
  • 100

    Julius Ceasar assasinated

    This 44 BC. Only the year is correct .
  • 100

    Rome becomes an empire

    This is 27 BC. The day and month is not specific
  • 117

    Empire at its peak

    Only the year, not the month and day, is specific.
  • 218

    Hannibal invades Italy

    This is BC. Only the year, not the month and day, is specific.
  • 306

    Constatine becomes emporer

    Only the year is specific.
  • 395

    Rome splits into western and eastern rome.

    Only the year is specific
  • 433

    The law of twelve tablets was formed

    This is BC. Only the year, not the month and day, is specific.
  • 476

    When historians agree that the original Rome was destroyrd

    Only the year, not the month and day, is specific.
  • 509

    Rome became a republic

    This is BC. Only the year, not the month and day, is specific.
  • Apr 21, 753

    Rome founded

    This is in BC time
  • Nov 1, 1453

    Fall of new rome

    Only the year, not the month and day, is specific.