Roman Beginnings

  • Founding of Rome

    Founding of Rome
    Twin babies sent away in a basket. Princess was told “no airs allowed in my kingdom!” I can understand that the kings in that era were very selfish. Basket with the twins was left in the Tiber River to die. The she wolf found the babies, adopts the twins, and takes care of them.
  • Founding of Rome II

    When the twins are all grown up they leave the house. There is a conflict between Romulus and Remus and Romulus kills Remus. Romulus becomes king. I can infer that anger and selfishness was present in the era of Romulus and Remus
  • The Etruscans

    Etruscans introduced the Romans to soothsayers and gods with human forms. Therefor I can infer that the Etruscans were more involve in the spiritual life. the Etruscans were culturally advanced and taught the romans many things. They were afraid of their gods unlike the Romans. I can understand that the Etruscans and
  • The Romans

    Romans borrowed the customs of gladiatorial games, the triumph, and the fasces. The Romans took the costumes and used them to play the games between to armed people or an animal. This tells me that the romans had found fights and deaths entertaining in that period of time.
  • Religious beliefs

    Religion influenced Etruscan building of temples. I can infer that the Etruscans were very loyal to all their gods. The Greeks were not afraid of their gods, as Etruscans were. They introduced the Romans to soothsayers and gods with human forms. This tells me that the Etruscans were very open to all different types of gods.
  • Daily Life

    The Etruscan women had a lot of freedom. They were given enough freedom to go to parties. This tells me that the Etruscan woman were trust by their gods and rulers. The Etruscan women had a lot of freedom. They were given enough freedom to go to parties. This tells me that the Etruscan woman were trust by their gods and rulers.
  • Daily Life II

    one thing that made Etruscan life better was their footing on rough or hilly ground. This tells me that because the Etruscans had better foot wear they had many advantages in the battles.
  • Tomds of gold

    Some Etruscan tombs are entirely underground. Some are half above ground. This tells me that the Etruscans believed in the underworld and after life. Many are covered under conical mounds. Some of these are very complex. A few have been found cut into cliff faces. The tomb art deals mostly with parties, dances, games, hunts. I can infer that the Etruscans respected the freedom they had and showed it in the tombs.