road to revolution

  • navigation act

    navigation act
    this is where england forced the colonies to trade solo with them. this means all the raw materials came to england and all the and finished good left england.
  • molasses act

    molasses act
    1764 parliament passed the sugar act on the colonist it lowered the taxes on molasses
    The idea was to lower the tax
    -lower the price and encourage more people to buy
    -encourage colonists to stop smuggling
    also it allowed officers to seize accused smuggled goods without going to court
    A lot of people thought that violated a british citizens rights
  • fort necessity

    fort necessity
    it was a fort that george washington created after general grag died. he created it to have it to his own
  • french and indian war

    french and indian war
    the british began to show interest in the ohio river valley but the french already viewed the territory as theirs and after the war the the french defeat was a blow to native americans in the ohio river valley
  • the sugar act

    the sugar act
    the new tax lowered the tax on molasses and sugar imported by the colonies to encourage the colonies to stop smuggling.
  • stamp act

    stamp act
    the stamp act was a small tax on all printed materials. this new tax outraged the colonists and so colonists began burning effigies and boycotted against buying british goods until they repealed because the british lost money
  • declaratory acts

    declaratory acts
    parliament has the right to tax and make decisions for the british colonies IN ALL CASES
  • townshend acts

    townshend acts
    a tax on imported goods such as glass, lead, paper, tea, and paint. the daughters of liberty started, who supported another boycott. They encouraged colonists to wear homemade fabrics and domestic goods. by this point in the colonies, ANY british tax angered colonists.
  • boston massacre

    boston massacre
    people were throwing snowballs at a british guard and then more people joined and they started throwing rocks and sharp shells and clubs and then they hit the guard and he accidentally shot his gun and so the rest of the soldiers began firing also. 5 people dies and 11 injured.
  • quebec act

    quebec act
    Quebec Act revoked loyalty oath, established religious freedoms. After the war ended with a decisive victory for the British and the defeat of France and Spain, France surrendered Quebec and all its claims to the Ohio River Valley to the British Empire.
  • quartering act

    quartering act
    there was to many british soldiers so they started taking over abandoned work buildings and shops but they still didn't have enough so they started taking over peoples houses and if someone said no then they would kill them.
  • general thomas gage takes over boston

    general thomas gage takes over boston
    gage's orders led to conflict at lexington and concord, retreating to boston. gages army was put under a siege under many militias. gage tried to get rid of the siege by attacking rebel forces.
  • first continental congress

    first continental congress
    the First Continental Congress passed and signed the Continental Association in its Declaration and Resolves, which called for a boycott of British goods to take effect.
  • intolerable acts

    intolerable acts
    when the news of the boston tea party got to london king george III stated, "We must either master them or totally leave them to themselves" (dogs) in response to the boston tea party, the parliament passed the intolerable acts. the one coercive act that was applied to all the colonies was the administration of justice act. All the acts were the administration of justice, massachusetts government, boston port bill, and the quartering act.
  • paul revere's ride

    paul revere's ride
    paul revere rode to warn towns that the british were coming to attack.
  • battle of lexington and concord

    battle of lexington and concord
    the battle of lexington and concord was an american victory due to the british being outnumbered by colonists and the beginning of the fight for independence.
  • fort ticonderoga

    fort ticonderoga
    during the french and indian war, fort ticonderoga was used as a base for colonists before their idea to invade british territory
  • second continental congress

    second continental congress
    the colonists elected george washington as commander in chief and they sent the olive branch petition to king george III hoping for a peaceful revolt....that did not happen
  • battle of bunker hill

    battle of bunker hill
    the battle of bunker hill was technically a british victory due to the colonists retreating. the battle of bunker hill happened because the british wanted a tactical advantage and when the colonists heard the idea from the generals wife....they went to defend the hills
  • olive branch petition

    olive branch petition
    the olive branch petition was signed and sent to king george the III to get peace and unity in the colonies
  • washinton takes boston

    washinton takes boston
    in the new revolutionary war george washington led the colonist to beat the british government for independence
  • hessian soldiers are hired by king george the III

    hessian soldiers are hired by king george the III
    the colonists were very upset when the british hired foreign soldiers to subdue them. this practice was called out in the declaration of independence.
  • declaration of independence

    declaration of independence
    in this important day 5 men wrote the declaration of independence. thomas jefferson, benjamin franklin, john adams, robert livingston, and roger sherman. the DOI declared independence for the colonies for the colonies of america.