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Road to Revolution

  • Navigation Laws

    Navigation Laws
    George Grenville ordered the Navy to strictly enforce the laws. It made it so if you had a ship, you must stop at England first so they could get the first pick fo the cargo. It aimed to raise revenue to support the new military force.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    The British passed a law that put a tax on sugar.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    Stamp Act Congress
    The Stamp Act Congress stated the rights and grievances of colonists. It was a big step toward intercolonial unity. They pointed out everything Britain was doing wrong.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act mandated the use of stamps paper or affixing of stamps. This certified tax payments. Colonists were angry about this because they felt they shouldn’t have to pay the tax because they didn’t have a say and England was so far away. People in England had a higher tax to pay than the colonists.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    The Quartering Act required colonies to provide food and quarters for British troops. They were forced to house, support, and feed any British soldier who needed it. They also had to provide the British their meals whenever they wanted. If it was early in the morning, they had to get up early to make them that meal. If they wanted it exactly at noon, they had to make sure it would be ready at noon.
  • Stamp Act Repealed

    Stamp Act Repealed
    Colonists were protesting by not buying anything that was British. They made their own clothes and bought their things elsewhere. The boycott hurt the English economy, therefore, the Parliament repealed the Stamp Act in 1766.
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts
    Colonists refused to pay taxes without representation so the Parliament put the Townshend Acts in place. It put a tax on glass, white lead, paper, paint, and tea.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Colonists threw snowballs at the British troops. Then they decided it would be a good idea to hide rocks in the snow and throw those at the troops. While they were throwing the snow and rocks, someone yelled fire which caused the troops to start firing their weapons at the colonists who were pelting them with snow. It it unclear who shouted fire but there is a conspiracy that a house caught on fire and someone yelled that there was a fire, which the troops mistook at an order from their leader.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    The British put a tax on tea, making the colonists furious. Colonists loved tea and would drink it every day. Once the tax was put on the tea, they weren’t able to buy as much as they had previously bought because it was too expensive.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Colonists dressed up as Indians and climbed aboard a ship carrying tea. They threw all the tea on the ship into the harbor. There were 342 chests of tea.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    The British closed the harbor until all money was paid back from the Boston Tea Party. It also restricted meetings to 10 people. It also gave local authorities power to lodge soldiers anywhere, anytime. This made colonists furious.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    The First Continental Congress drew up a declaration of rights and called for a complete boycott of British goods. The Parliament rejected congress’s petitions.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence granted the colonists the freedom they had been wanting. It had three major ideas: People have certain Inalienable Rights, Life Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness, and All Men are created equal.