Rise of the Roman Republic Timeline Assignment

  • 616 BCE

    616 BC

    The Etruscans ruled Rome. During this time, Roman society was divided into two classes, patricians and plebeians.
  • 509 BCE

    509 BC

    A group of patricians rebelled. They took out the last Etruscan king.
  • 494 BCE

    494 BC

    By then, Rome was a city of between 25,000 and 40,000 people. The majority of the population were plebeians. They were angry because they didn't​ have much power.
  • 451 BCE

    451 BC

    The patricians agreed to respect the life of the plebeians. The laws were written down on tablets called the Twelve Tables.​
  • 287 BCE

    287 BC

    The plebeians​ gained the right to pass laws for all Roman citizens. Now, assemblies of all Roman citizens could approve or reject laws.