Plaatje christopher human rights1

Rights of Women, Migrants and Indiginous people

  • Australians allowed to shoot any Aboriginals

    Australians allowed to shoot any Aboriginals
    Any Australains are allowed to shoot any Aboriginal on thier property.
  • First female doctor

    First registered female doctor - Constance Stone.
  • Aboriginals not classed as citizens

    Aboriginals not classed as citizens
    The Aboriginals were not classed as Australian citizens.
  • Women were allowed to vote

    Women were allowed to vote
    That year was the first time to see women allowed to vote in an election.
  • suffragettes

    Emily Pankhurst was the main person of the suffragettes who pushed women to vote in any elections.
  • World War 1

    In WW1 Women wanted to go into the war but people weren't letting them because they weren't male
  • Wage

    Womens wage was set to 54% of the Males wage
  • CWA Coutry Womens Associtiation

    CWA were given a chance to help fundraise and help the community
  • Australian Womens weekly found

    Australian Womens weekly found
    The Australians Women Weekly founded by Frank Packer
  • World War 2

    While WW2 was going on Women were allowed to work and do the main jobs around work
  • Aboriginals voting to be allowed in an election

    The Aboriginals voted if they were allowed to vote in any election
  • Aboriginals were allowed to vote

    Aboriginals were allowed to vote
    The Aboriginal people were now allowed to vote leagally in Australia
  • Women were allowed in pubs

    This was the first time women whenwomen were allowed to walk into pubs leagally
  • Aboriginals were allowed to live anywhere

    Aboriginals were allowed to live anywhere
    Aboriginal people were allowed to live anywhere in Australia
  • The Flora and Fauna ACT.

    The Aboriginals were known as citizens not under the Flora and Funa act
  • Margret thatcher

    Margret thatcher
    Margret Thatcher was the first person to hold the pole and was a very effecint lady
  • Uluru is given back to the Aboriginal people

    Uluru got handed back Uluru for them to look after
  • Kevin Rudd sorry speech

    Kevin Rudd sorry speech
    Kevin Rudd said sorry to the stolen genaraton and the Aboriginals accepted his appolgy