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Rights and Freedom

  • national day of mourning and protest

    national day of mourning and protest
  • Untied nations general assembly ratified the universal decleration of human rights

  • aboriginal and torres straight islander people were given the right to vote in federal elections

  • australian freedom ride

  • referendum amended the constitution to give the commonwealth power to make special laws and count indigenous people in the cencus

  • tent embassy was established in Canberra to agitate for land rights

  • racial discrimination act

  • commonwealth aboriginal land rights act was passed by federal parliment

  • aboriginal and torres straight islander commission (ATSIC) was established

  • council for aboriginal reconcilitaion was established

  • mabo decision recognised native title as part of common law

  • 'bringing them home' report was released

  • declaration on the rights of indigenous people was adopted by the united nations

  • apology to australia's indigenous people was delivered by prime minister Kevin Rudd