
  • Russia

    Who) The Russian citizens. Why) The people wanted the autocracy to be overthown and there to be no more wars. How did the government respond) The government could not hold off the revolutionarys.
  • India

    Who) Ghandi's folowers Why) The were protesting the english's salt monopoly Govt reaction) India helped the protest
  • Egypt

    Who) The common people of Egypt. Why) The Government was corrupt Government reaction) The king was exiled and egypt became a military dictatorship for fifty years
  • Cuba

    Who Revolted) Fidel Castro along with the middle class and poor of cuba Why) The cubans revolted because of the coruption in their government. Govenment reaction) The govenment had no reaction they were overnthrown imediately.
  • Iran

    Who) The muslums of iran Why) They wanted Iran to be a therocracy Govt Reaction) The government was pushed out of power.
  • Phillipines

    Who) Most people living there Why) They no longer wanted a dictatorship Govt reaction) Bows down and puts in a president
  • South Korea

    Who) the people in the south side of the korean country Why) They were upset over the death of Chun Doo-hwan Govt reaction) Breaks korea into two
  • Lebanon

    Who) Most of Lebanon Why) Their prime minister was killed Govt reaction) Govt helps the revolution